Wednesday, February 17, 2010

what? snow again???

This is crazy! It's as if we live in Michigan! The snow comes every day and nothing melts it and giant icicles hang from the gutters, threatening to spear anyone who lingers too long underneath. The snow this afternoon and evening is not supposed to amount to much, but I really want it all to melt so Brian can become independent again! In fact, I am going to the last high school swim meet and he has a Spanish club meeting. He didn't mention it, but I saw it on the online announcements. Only he can't go, because I can't pick him up and I have missed the last two dual meets because of his other commitments.

So Megan is still sick. Yesterday when she was off, she insisted that she didn't need to be seen, but she sat in the family room while I was in the kitchen and I couldn't stand the cacophony of coughing. A call to the pediatrician yielded a machine that advised holding for an operator, so I hung up and decided to try the walk-in clinic. Lo and behold, there was no wait! So the doctor there said that Megan had a little wheeze, and her temperature registered a balmy 99 degrees! (Megan says this is because she had her coat on). So she is on biaxin, but only for seven days, which I find odd. I guess if she doesn't improve drastically within the first day or two (and last night was a bad night for coughing, but that may have been the infection breaking up and draining) I can just ask the pediatrician to have a look and make sure it's been fully treated. I just had the sense it was turning into a situation of bronchitis or pneumonia and we can't have that!

I worked this morning, spending the first two hours in my favorite special ed class and the third in a fourth grade room. In between, I encountered Megan in the hallway of the elementary school, where she had just completed two presentations on 'just say no' and related info. I took her into the class and introduced her to my many friends, and was amused to find that they were all struck dumb for a good two or three minutes at the mere sight of her! This is a group that only an hour earlier had been impossible to keep to less than a dull roar.

And my next two days will be spent in the capacity of classroom aide, so something different for a change. Stay tuned for details!

Oh, right, and I returned home at 1. So, what is that? Gone for five hours. Giant pile of dog crap in the foyer, half-eaten. One dog craps the other eats and drags it around the house. I am actually looking forward to cleaning day tomorrow now! Between the tracked-in snow and now the scattered dry dog poo - I think this is well needed.

And in other news, it is Ash Wednesday. Brian's school obviously will offer them, but all are not required to partake. I don't know what he will have done, but his confirmation group will sit together as a class at the service tonight. I'm annoyed anew at this whole confirmation thing because I always feel like it's done with a guilty conscience. Like everything is 'required' and they don't make you feel like you want to do any of it. At least that's how I feel. I don't know if he will go tonight. I, for one, don't feel like it. I took E last year and I'm pretty sure Brian came with us and was probably the only one from his class there then. Oh, and along those lines: our priest is leaving. Yep. He's outta there. Gone June 1. Just like that. This is the one who rode the train into NYC and stayed with us after his prayer over Brian before the surgery. The parish will miss him, but change is not always a bad thing.

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