Monday, February 1, 2010

well, they got me

After five months of working in the schools, surrounded by coughing, sneezing, snotty, pukey children, they finally got me. I have a cold. It's a pretty bad one today, although I thought I was going to get away with a mild one. I guess because I ran out of airborne the other day and then sat in the heavily chlorinated air of the pool yesterday, it got the best of me. I feel like a mess, even though it's only a sinus pressure and runny nose thing.

The video below is of Megan swimming the 100 fly at the meet yesterday. Pretty much, she swims this once a year. So she did take a second off of her time and she is actually getting down to an almost-respectable time for her age (relative to some of her others, of course). In case nobody could tell, that's Kevin on the far side of the pool, pacing in his white crocs.

So no word on the job, so I am pretty sure that no news is definitely NOT good news, unless the good news is that I don't have to give up my life of leisure just yet! They must be waiting on the acceptance or first day of the actual acceptee, and then the rest of us will be let down easy (I hope! I hope they don't just never say anything, that would be rude!) I faxed out another resume yesterday, but it was just a small ad, and I accidentally wrote in the cover letter that I can be contacted by return email (oops) and then my fax machine went on the fritz so I don't even know if the pages went through. I tried twice and decided perhaps fate was trying to intervene, and I am learning to listen when that happens.

This morning I was supposed to work, at the school where I probably acquired this monstrous cold germ, and the whole way over I kept thinking about how I couldn't wait till the morning ended so I could get out and not have to be around people while I can't breathe. I walked into the office and the secretary told me they didn't need me! I stuck around for a while to be sure, and they gave me the option to stay and get paid, since they had dragged me in anyway, but I politely declined and I am sure they were just as happy. Everyone there was sick too, with the same: secretaries, paras, teachers, subs ... even the principal!

So I came home and did a couple of loads of laundry which I haven't folded because I have discovered that when you follow school etiquette and sneeze into your elbow, it gets your germs all over your sleeves, and then onto anything that you hold in your arms, such as laundry. I also managed to snag a couple of other half day assignments for the week, tomorrow afternoon and Thursday morning. I also have a half day Friday afternoon already lined up.

I also fielded an interesting call from Kevin's doctor today. They were changing his appointment because 'she' was going to be out that day. But the thing is that he does not have a woman doctor! So he googled his doctor and found him to be the source of some sort of probe in NYC. But then he called the office, and they haven't called him back to tell him why he now has yet another doctor (his first left very mysteriously a year or two ago) but he did manage to find out that the other guy is still there, which makes it even weirder that they are changing him to this woman. The only good thing is that I looked her up, and her bio says that she is a thyroid specialist. He can use that!

And in other news, Megan is winding down her midterms tomorrow, with English and Gym. Brian's report card comes tomorrow so I am bracing myself for that. We have had some big-time troubles with him and homework. Now I have also taken away his cell phone. He had some biology homework that he had just done so horribly that almost none of it was right. He had chosen the option for the question 'embryological study shows us that..." which read "gorillas begin life as fish and then turn into gorillas later on." And no, this was not a joke. I think five years came off of my life last night.

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