Tuesday, February 16, 2010

last day of unexpected vacation

Well, unless you're Brian. If you are, your vacation ended this morning! You're in school taking two or three tests and trying to remember the things you learned a week or longer ago. But if you're Megan or me, you're home looking out at all of this new snow falling. It isn't sticking but it's coming down steadily. The plows just came through and tried to flatten out all the icy moguls in the road, I'll see how much success they had when I venture out in a little while. I have to make a pasta dish for the swim team dinner tonight.

Also tonight, I have to get Brian to a pancake supper at church. And with tomorrow being Ash Wednesday, I imagine he will be required to go to the services, and the only one I can get him to will be the evening one. Megan has her last swim meet of the high school season, against the cross-town school, at 3:30. I'm working until noon. Hopefully the weather will soon take a turn for the better!

Anyway, all of this snow has me thinking of warmer and brighter places, such as Fort Lauderdale, where we will be in less than two months! I have to make my reservations for Wilbur, and find out if Molly is still welcome to stay with the Doll. If not, I guess I'll have to find someone to come in and walk her three times a day. I hope the Doll will take her. She doesn't mind going there. I don't think she would like being in the kennel, but you never know. Wilbur surely enjoyed it!

Before the trip to Florida, we have to travel to PA for the state championships, which is always a major pain. The meet starts on Friday at 7am so we have to get Megan up there the night before. This year, Brian says he wants to come, which I didn't expect, but I think he just doesn't want to be left with the Doll! He can stay in the hotel and do his homework all weekend, but that means that I can't go out until after he gets out of school Friday. Not a big deal because I can save a day in the kennel with Wilbur and I can get Molly where she needs to go, or get someone in for her, too. I am still worried about her because of the amount of water she's been drinking lately ... kind of nervous about leaving her in April.

Otherwise not much goes on. As I said, two obligatory appearances tonight, 15 minutes apart at the same time. Do I eat pancakes, or do I eat pasta? I will be doing a lot of driving tonight.

And in other news, I am working the rest of the week after today; Thursday and Friday as the aide in my friend's spot in a fourth grade classroom. She keeps giving me more and more details that are making me wonder if I'll survive the two days! It would have been three, but I already committed to work tomorrow morning at another school. And, again, no word on the job: but the school will reopen tomorrow so maybe I'll have some resolution - SURELY by the end of this week, one way or another. I'm anxious just to know. It feels like it's been forever, but really I can only count it as three days, because the school and offices have been closed since. Meanwhile, I did send out a couple of other resumes to keep myself active. Nothing yet on those, though. Back to the drawing board, if this turns out to be a no! :/

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