Wednesday, February 3, 2010

sick day

It's on days like today that I am grateful not to have to work if I don't want to. My nose is still very stuffy, and runny, and sniffly, and I am running out of allowable doses of Afrin so I'm saving the last dose for tonight so I can sleep. I wake up in the mornings feeling like every muscle in my body is spent, but part of that is the lumpy mattress and the toll it takes on those who linger too long in its recesses.

So I'm just going to loll around for a few hours. Then I'll have a shower and see if that helps, and I have to somehow get the house ready for the cleaning people tomorrow, or cancel them. I do have to work in the morning tomorrow so I hope this acute phase of germ-warfare will soon pass. I feel like Pigpen with the dirt swirling around him, only my orbiters are germs, and I try to stay away from people. The advil and sudafed I took this morning are slowly kicking in, but I do wish for the free passage of air once again.

I'm glad that all of the days I have been taking for jobs are half days. I now have amassed several: tomorrow, Friday, and Monday, and then next Wednesday as a classroom aide, which will continue as two full days Thursday and Friday. That will be good. Maybe things are going to pick up and I won't have to feel so bad about my rejection from The Job, which seems more and more likely as each day passes without word.

And so Brian's report card came home with him yesterday. It was slightly worse than expected, as in he dropped to lower quarterly grades in a couple of classes than we had expected, but the semester grades were all what we had known. Two Bs, the rest Cs or just 'Pass.' The other night he told me that it didn't matter what he put down for his history answers, because they don't get checked and they go over them in class. I made a bunch of notes and told him to correct them anyway, but I didn't double check his revisions. Yesterday he told me that they had a quiz, and were allowed to use their homework as a reference. Hah. I also emailed that troublesome biology teacher the other day and he has yet to respond. I think I should make Kevin come to the teacher conferences just to meet him - I don't even want to go to the conferences, but I will. I'll have to miss Megan's swim meet - again.

Speaking of swimming, the big conference meet is this Saturday night and they're calling for a big snowstorm. I hope it doesn't come to fruition, unless it means the meet is canceled for good and not made up! After just swimming almost the exact same girls just two weeks ago, it's redundant. The other county doesn't really have that many who can keep up with the fastest in our county, in almost all of the events. For the girls from the other county, it's a good opportunity to push themselves to swim a little faster. For ours, it's just more of the same.

And in other news, we stopped making Wilbur sleep in his crate at night. It's cute to see where he goes and how he moves around during the night. He's been pretty good, although in the early morning, his accomplice provides him with dangerous chew toys, such as thread and chapstick tubs. Well, my nose is running again. Guess I'll lie down for a little while longer.

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