Sunday, February 7, 2010

super sunday

And the super bowl is on. I can't really be much less interested than I am, but I am watching it anyway. Some boy is coming here to watch and hang out with Megan. Not really sure who he is, he is a friend of the friends she has made, and he goes to some boarding school but came home this week for a break from the insanity. Seems to be just a friend, and nobody else was around tonight, and he is going back to his school in the morning. So she's having him come over for a while, although she still has calculus and writing homework to finish up tonight.

As for the swim meet, obviously it did not happen. It's been rescheduled for next Saturday, same time, same place. The boys were rescheduled to Tuesday night, whose forecast is now filled with sleet, snow, and rain. Fun times.

So today Brian and I worked at the art show at his school. I worked at admissions at the front door, which was fun although a little slow at times. They didn't have the show yesterday due to snow, and with snow still on the ground and the super bowl tonight, I don't think they did as well as most of the artists would have liked. Brian, on the other hand, had a grand ole time. What he didn't realize (and neither did I) was that he would be getting TIPS for his time as a coat check boy! So he came home with $30 in pocket, although at least two patrons planted a seed of guilt with the implication that those tips should be donated back to the school. Once someone says that, you feel wrong to keep them...even though he showed up to volunteer, but when they offered him tips, it was a bonus.

And in other news, I'm ready for the week that will reveal my future: will I or will I not have the job? For sure I will know by the end of THIS week, because I cannot imagine I will be subjected to yet another round of questioning! So hopefully it will work out for the best - and hopefully I won't have to wait too far into the week to hear what that might be. I'm getting dizzy from the roller coaster at this point. Oh, and we got some bad news today. The priest at our church is retiring at the end of this school year! That is potentially devastating, because to me, he IS the church. I have often said that I can't imagine the church without him. It will definitely be a new church, whether for better or worse we will have to wait and see. So that was a sobering start to the day.

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