Thursday, February 18, 2010

february frost

The snow never did materialize beyond a few flakes glimpsed through the window last night. But it sure is sticking around on the lawns and sidewalks! Most people, of course in violation of local statutes, don't bother to clear a path along the sidewalks in our neighborhood. We are fortunate in this house not even to HAVE a sidewalk on our property, so we only have to shovel out the driveway(s) and anything else we would like available for our own use. I can turn my head right now and still see well over a foot of snow along every curb. I wonder if it will still be here when we head to Florida!

So I had a pretty good day in the fourth grade class I was 'aiding' in for my friend. At one point there were three teachers plus me in the class, and at that time, the principal was observing! It must be quite nerve-wracking for the classroom teacher to have all that going on. But my three charges behaved well for the whole day and time moved very quickly. I'll be back in there again tomorrow. The only bad thing was that I couldn't get home until 3:30, so I'm hoping Brian can figure out which bus to get on. He can at least ride the bus to our development, and then walk home (in the street, of course, as no sidewalks are cleared for pedestrians). I do love living out here where it's quiet, but some things make me really angry.

Which brings me to one thing that makes me angriest: the job that never was or may never be. I still haven't heard. And I get upset, mostly mad at myself for having had so much confidence that it was a sure thing. And then I get mad at them for giving me that sense. And then I get upset at having been put through such rigors three times, and then left to hang for two weeks (and counting) - snow days aside, it's a long time to wait after having been told that a call would be forthcoming the very next day. And so I mope.

The good news is that the cleaning woman came today, but the bad news is that Wilbur peed in his pen down in the basement! I didn't put Molly down there, for fear it would kill her, but I guess he was lonely and freaked out a little. He was alone from 8:15 till 2:30 when Megan got home and he has certainly been left longer than that in his pen without incident. Just always upstairs, where he could see everyone else and not have to listen to sounds over his head and be all alone. Tomorrow I'll leave him in his pen - it will be for the same amount of time - but upstairs. So we'll see how that goes.

And in other news, Brian's intramural basketball team lost today, by one point, in the playoff opening game. So they're now out, which means he can go back for homework help at school beginning on Tuesday. He has two tests tomorrow, which always makes for tension in the house as we worry if he'll pass them! And Megan's report card, which was due yesterday, has not yet arrived, due to the late submission of the grades over the snow days. Oh, and in my dream last night I had a visitor: Buddy! And he had a tail. I wonder what that means? And now, I must figure out the eternal quandary, what is for dinner?

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