Tuesday, February 23, 2010

career meltdown

Well, it isn't my day. I had a little trouble getting out of bed this morning, between the rain and all, so I was running a few minutes behind but managed to get Brian and myself out in time for him to make it to school. I think we left a little after 8. I got to the school, about 20 minutes away, only to be told that they had been 'trying to reach me.' Funny, because I had my cell phone with me the entire time.

So this is the world of disrespect in which a substitute teacher must exist. It's not OK to cancel a half day of covering meetings for anonymous teachers in order to take a full week for a regular customer, but it's fine for them to let me drag myself halfway across town, and then try to call me 18 minutes before the job starts, when I live 20 minutes away, and then just say, "oh, sorry." So I was quite upset about that. And it was canceled for both today and tomorrow.

So I came home and moped.

Then tonight I again stalked the page of my would-have-been employer, and found some updates, a non-occurrence ever since the former incumbent abandoned her post three weeks ago. To me, this says that a candidate has been selected and I did indeed blow my chances on that final ineffectual interview. I have mixed feelings: anger and sadness, but also relief. I just hope something better and less demanding comes along sometime before September! Hopefully they will have the consideration to send me some sort of notification so I can have closure and be sure. But I won't hold my breath.

And now we are getting a new snow storm! I hope it won't amount to much. It rained cats and dogs all day today and melted away some of the old snow but not nearly all of it. I am not happy about having this bad weather for our neurologist visit (also dreading discussing the MRI results! What if he never read them and that's why he hasn't called us, and not that everything was unchanged??:::knock wood!!::) but I also worry about Friday. I lost three full working days to snow days with the last storm and now I stand to lose another of this materializes. I guess the best I can hope for is a delayed opening but the latest report I saw said it could snow through noon on Friday. But I guess there isn't much to be done about it.

Interestingly enough, I remember 2005 as if it were yesterday, and tomorrow is the five year anniversary of the day we had to bring him in to get the pseudomeningocele drained and have him checked for meningitis. I remember the surgeon didn't want to admit us, but I was so afraid to bring him home because of how sick he had been all week, and because there was a blizzard rolling through. So that was February 24, 2005. However, it was also the day that Brian turned a corner. Once they drained that nasty thing, gave him motrin and put him on steroids, he felt a whole lot better. I also remember it was March 17 when the lump was finally gone, but I think it had actually receded a few days prior to that, but the doctor postponed our appointment.

In other news, Brian has recovered from his stomach trauma of yesterday. I spoke to the school nurse when I was working ans she suggested feeding him lots of fruits and vegetables. So I did, and it did seem to help. He was back to school and stayed for Homework Club afterwards. He took a math test, so let's hope for good results on that too! Progress reports are due tomorrow, so they'll be mailed out later this week. IF they are coming. ::fingers crossed but not holding breath::

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