Saturday, February 13, 2010


So Megan broke her draught on winning races at the conference meet, and she did it with gusto! You wouldn't really know it from the article in the paper, which continues its courting of the Catholic school team with gushy paragraphs going on and on about their star swimmer - not that she doesn't deserve credit - everything they write about her is true. But then they add at the very end: other winners were... and this is where they cover Megan's two blow-them-all-away wins in two sentences, listing only her times. Which, by the way, outpaced the second place finisher by four seconds in the 200 and eleven in the 500. So we were pretty proud, even if the paper's lousy reporter didn't find it noteworthy! (maybe they know that I'm the one who wrote and complained about their coverage of local swimming, because it's pathetic)

So that was the news ... she is still kind of sick so we didn't know what to expect, but I guess neither did she in the race, and she went out strong and stayed strong, and finished the 200 in a personal best time! Then in the 500, she finished in a second-personal best time, and her best time this season. So that was a great meet for her and hopefully a sign of a great season to come. ::knock wood!!::

Otherwise, we arrived home to a huge puddle of dog pee on the papers that were tied and stacked by the back door. Who did it? It was way too much to be accredited to Wilbur, the 12 pound pom, but it did seem like a dog had peed ON the papers, and how would Molly do that? Also evidence in Wilbur's favor is that he didn't drink much of his water, while Molly is drinking more than usualy lately. So that's our mystery. Nobody is telling us anything. We've been leaving Wilbur loose when we go out, and that was six hours we were gone, which is the longest he has ever been left. So he would seem the most likely perpetrator, but the volume was just incredible for such a little thing. But it just is not a Molly thing to do!

And in other news, we have several days off now - Kevin and Brian are off Monday and Megan and I are off Monday and Tuesday. I am working Wednesday through Friday so it's going to be a hectic week, and hopefully one that brings some resolution on The Job!

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