Monday, March 1, 2010

working week?

Here it is, a new week, and the sun is shining on the leftover blanket of white snow. I understand that on Long Island the rains of yesterday washed away much of the snow and they are seeing patches of green! Not so here in New Jersey. I wonder when Brian will be able to walk to school again. Soon, I hope! And home!

So far this week I have a day and a half of work, and it's as a classroom aide. This afternoon and again all day Wednesday, covering for the same friend who gave me the two days a couple of weeks ago. She's had some medical issues so I hope everything is OK, but she has follow-ups to tend to. Otherwise, I'll just keep stalking the system but as I've said, I'm awfully sick of doing this. I'm still sending out the resumes and I even contacted an agency, who had a lot of good jobs posted on their site, but the best ones all were marked "filled" anyway, and they haven't gotten back to me. I sent that one out on Thursday before the snow got bad.

I am waiting to see about this very low paying part-time job that was in the paper over the weekend. The guy told me to call him today for a telephone interview, very vaguely said anytime from 9 till 5, and I called and he was in a meeting. So now I can't dry my hair. I'll have to leave at 11:30 to get to work so if he doesn't call before then it will have to wait. I'm not going to hold my breath though - his emails were so abrupt that I can't imagine what it would be like working there!

And I'm still nursing the wounds from the rejection that I never got. I'm so annoyed still about the pompous guy asking me what my writing experience was AFTER they gave me a writing "test," and then asking me the stupidest questions while I was forced to sit there with a sore throat and dry mouth, staring at that bowl of jolly ranchers. I will say I am probably better off without that job, but if I had known this was how it would turn out, I would have gotten up and left rather than endure that obvious attempt to discredit me! I'll be watching their site, too, to see the quality of work that their selection does produce, when the time comes. And I'll be at the beach!

So it's back to school for everyone this week, and it looks as if a full week it will be. Megan has the state testing for three days starting tomorrow, but first she had to get through three tests. Brian has a bunch of tests this week, and he has to bring up his grades in Spanish and English, which he was failing at last check. Always two classes - every time. I expect to see progress reports in the mail today for those two, but at least it won't be a surprise. I got that when I signed on to register him for next year. He wants to try out for the tennis team. I wonder if he is allowed, if he is failing two classes at the mid-point of a marking period?

And in other news, now Wren is ailing. She has been puking and not eating much. Hopefully it's just one of those cat things. I can't afford all the care that they all need all at once. I'm glad I have fought off the urge to replace Buddy, though. Another expense would be painful! Oh, and we start the countdown to Florida now. April 6!!

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