Monday, March 8, 2010

monday morning already

So it's here - the first day of my assignment so we'll see how this turns out. It's already causing me all sorts of problems with Friday, because Megan has to be in PA for the swim meet Thursday night, swimming three sessions Friday (presuming she makes finals and they bring back 24 so I think she will) with nobody to ferry her back and forth to the pool, or to make sure she has food.

I keep thinking of a few years ago when I almost had that job and lost it when it went for board approval and they had the other woman who was in the union and needed a position, and I lost everything. If I have given up my day Friday and gone through all this trouble and this turns out to be just another sub assignment, I will be really upset. I want to say heartbroken, but that would imply that I have a strong expectation that it will be extended to permanent, and this is not the case. However, I do hope that after giving up this day, I will at least get to work in the room beyond the one week.

But the news last week was not good either, with massive budget cuts coming due to the governor's reduction in state aid to the schools. I understand the need to balance the budget but the threatened cuts can be devastating, even under the best scenario.

Anyway, we have decided to leave Brian here after all, rather than drag him to PA. So he'll stay with the Doll and she can make sure he gets all of his work and studying done, and then he should be able to stay with a friend from church for the second night, and he has to spend nearly the whole day at church on Sunday for his confirmation class. We probably won't get back till very late, which I hate, but that's what happened last year. So either someone will have to feed him dinner or I'll have to leave him something he can make himself.

And in other news, yesterday we took the dogs to the dog park for the first time since fall. The ground was a muddy mess but the place was full of dogs. At first Wilbur was his usual clingy self but then all of a sudden he became drawn to a shiba inu, and he started to play with her. Then, for about half an hour, he was just running crazy with everyone. It was so cute! I was trying to get him ready to go to the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm on Friday. He has to get used to being around dogs that do more than sleep all day. Which reminds me, we had some blood work done on Molly on Saturday. I'll talk to the vet today and see if everything is OK with the poor old girl.

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