Monday, March 15, 2010

home at last

What a harrowing weekend! Driving out there in the rain after dropping Brian at school, getting gas, and dropping Wilbur at the kennel, only to watch Megan get overtaken in the final strokes of the race, and then having to rush her home to sleep, get back up and get her to the pool by 6:30, then home to rest again and then the back and forth, back and forth, all weekend long. Until the harrowing drive last night in the rain on the two turnpikes finally brought us into the driveway around 10:40.

And not to mention the time change! I'm just glad Megan didn't have the extra early session on Sunday! She didn't have to be to the pool until 8:30.

But it was a successful meet by all accounts. The reason she was out of energy at finals was because of her long distance swim in the mid-session, which she knew would probably cost her the top spot but was worth it because she qualified for nationals in that event as well. (and set a record at her Y)

Brian ended up stuck at the Doll's because of the nor'easter, which took down trees all around the home of the friend who was to be his Saturday night salvation. But they did manage to come by and pick Brian up early Sunday morning and take him to church, back to their house, and then back home to ours afterward. We are most grateful to have these friends to do that for us! Especially because the Doll was making noises about bringing Brian back here to wait alone in the house for us, even though I assured her we would be home by 11 and he would be fine. The last thing I wanted to do was add extra time to that trip home, when we all had to be up early today.

So today we are all back to our respective spots, except for Kevin, who stayed home to deal with the wet basement issues. I guess we have a rug to replace, but I think that may be about it. It was a pretty ugly rug anyway, and the smallest one of the three down there. Although admittedly not the ugliest.

I am sneezing, coughing, have no voice. Last week I had a cough with a tickle, but otherwise felt fine. I think I am coughing less, but now my nose is all stuffy. The hoarseness isn't a good thing in my line of work! Although most of the time I only have to talk to one kid, and he barely listens to me anyway.

But the good news is that the school is having their pajama day tomorrow and - I KNOW ABOUT IT! And then we have a trip on Thursday. I think it will be a pretty eventful week, but then, every day is eventful with this kid!

And in other news, the dogs are just thrilled to be here! Since Kevin was home, I asked him to go and pick them up. As much as I wanted to be Wilbur's savior myself, since it was still raining pretty hard today I thought he'd be happier at home where he'd have space to roam. I'm sure at the kennel they don't get out as much or for as long in rains like these. It's a shame. I'm sure it was pouring the entire time he was there. He probably never even got to have a really good playtime. Molly is, of course, sleeping.

And I keep forgetting to do things for them. Like it was 8:15 before I remembered I feed Wilbur at 5 or 6! I turned my back and his food was gone! Poor little guy. Molly was OK - someone had put some food in her bowl earlier and she still had a lot left. And now Kevin is off to get Megan from the Y and Brian is upstairs allegedly studying. I guess I should check on that.

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