Saturday, December 26, 2009

so that was christmas

And I will surely remember this one! It started out just fine, everyone was reasonably happy with their gifts although Megan didn't like the color of her new suit, the style (she chose this) or the print (I botched it) of her new wallet, and her sunglasses, although wonderful, were not the ones she asked for (the day after I ordered them). The drive to Philadelphia was uneventful and the brunch and ensuing visit were enjoyable and entertaining - food aside. Even the drive home was uneventful and we were back with the dogs by 7:30.

However, things took an ominous turn when the crab cakes that had smelled not right at all must have finally taken their toll, and I ended up in a terrible state for a few hours. Even today I am not quite right, although I can feel that I am winning the war. I don't know what was wrong, and I wish I had spoken up. As soon as they were set in front of me I smelled a funk, and Brian, across from me, smelled it too. I didn't take much comfort in that as he usually thinks anything that comes from the sea automatically emits a funk. But they tasted equally offensive, so I just mashed them up and pretended I was full. (I was) After the debacle with the french fries that were ordered as soon as we sat down, and then appeared several wisecracks and a good half hour later, freezing cold, I was worried about what would happen to me if I dared speak out against the offensive crustacean.

So I have learned a lesson, and perhaps the positive in this is that I don't have to count some of the calories of my Christmas indiscretions. I've been eating cautiously today, after staying in bed till nearly ten, and Kevin is now off at the Y with Megan, who has the first of a week of grueling practices. She has two tomorrow, and then leaves on Monday morning for their annual practice trip to PA. She returns on New Years Eve. Brian doesn't really have practice, he might one night but I'm not sure. Mostly they are just canceled for the holidays. We have to make sure we get him to the gym to work out, but he is buried in a ridiculous amount of holiday homework. The school is living up to its name. If he still continues to fail classes after all the work he does, something is very wrong. Although I don't know if any of the work he has done so far pertains to biology, the class he is failing!

Anyway, in other news, not a whole lot else is going on. Outside it is terribly rainy and most of the snow is washing away. My little cowboy snowman has disappeared and the yards are almost green again. Piles of white remain, but perhaps after a few days of sun, this will no longer be the case. I am still buried in boxes and wrapping paper cast aside, but I lack the energy or the motivation to clean it up right now. My main focus is on getting out of the house to try to forage for a meal that won't upset my stomach! I have dreams of chicken and rice somehow baking themselves in some sort of casserole dish.

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