Monday, December 14, 2009

monday morning

What a weekend that was! First on Friday Megan had the best time in the 200 free although not by much and then Saturday she didn't do so great in the 500 but she came back yesterday morning and swam great in the 200 back and the 100 free, even making it back for finals in the free, which allowed her to scratch the mile after all. And then at night, again, she didn't get a better time than in the morning. But it was OK because she felt good about being there and she has a great time now from the morning, although it's no longer the fastest on the team, which will bump her out of one of the relays. And one of these days she is going to have to swim those distance events again!

So Brian was the second-class citizen again, even though he was supposed to be working on schoolwork, and he has now fallen prey to Megan's virus/cold/whatever it was. He's just a little sniffly right now, and he went off to school, lucky for him (but not for me) there was not a single job showing up for today, so I was able to drive him in.

I'm surprised not to see a job, it has been really busy lately, but I do have some lined up for the end of the week at least. Tomorrow is the last day of the pay period and on Wednesday I have to have the house ready by 6 for a swim team pasta party, so I'd rather not work then anyway. And even though I sort of counted on working today and tomorrow, I have a lot planned for today, hopefully I'll actually accomplish it all: laundry, decorating the tree, making appointments, shopping for the pasta party, and vacuuming up the pine needles already all over the house.

And in other news, Kevin has departed for Toronto this morning, to return in time for dinner, allegedly. Wilbur is dancing around my feet trying to get me to notice the raggedy stuffed 'baby' that he wants me to throw repeatedly for him to fetch, and he seems to have no recollection of his indiscretion this morning: pooping on the floor because I allowed him freedom after breakfast. How long does it take to fully housebreak these little dopes?

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