Monday, December 21, 2009

let the digging out begin!

So ... last night they called for a delayed opening for today. Then they changed their school! And just like that, we had a three day weekend. Well, more than that if you happen to be Brian, who is off already until after New Years, but for the rest of us public school folk - it was a bonus. Although I hadn't minded the delayed opening, I was going to have a shorter work day for the same pay! Now I have to work tomorrow although the system doesn't have me logged in to work. The teacher told me if there was a snow day on Monday I should work Tuesday instead. So I am going to just show up and if they want me, they can add me; if not, they can send me on my way. I have enough to do to keep busy! Kevin is taking Brian into NYC with him for the day.

Anyway, the snow is the big news. It got a bit of a late start so Megan had practice on Saturday although Brian's tennis was canceled. Kevin and I got up and out early to go to the mall, expecting and finding the worst at 8am, only to emerge at 11 to find barely flurries, and roads that seemed not much worse than during a light rainstorm. Of course, by evening this was no longer the case. We holed up in the house and watched some movies, Brian and I fell asleep during Animal House (he probably because he was up the entire night before, celebrating his winter break and I because I drank a huge glass of wine while Kevin was out picking up a pizza) and then we all watched Elf together.

Yesterday was uneventful as we had no need to go anywhere - except for Kevin, who tried to take Brian's little Acer notebook to the Geek Squad, whose ad says they repair anything, even if you didn't buy it from them but who, in fact, do not. So that was a wasted trip. The computer screen is flickering when he moves it, and internet research says it must be a loose cable. Because we waited longer than the 90 days (although this happened well within that time, but he needed it and kept using it heavily until it was too late) we were no longer able to take it back to costco, where we got it, and we had to ship it back to Acer. So we'll see. Hopefully it will come back better than new. Getting a new one might have been worse, because then it might have had the same issue. I hope when they fix it, it stays fixed for good, because aside from this, and aside from the fact that the speakers don't work anymore, it's a great little notebook.

Today I had to run a few errands and then dig out the mailbox. The truck in our neighborhood just drives up and drops the mail right in, so he needs clearance to drive, and somehow we always have the highest drifts in the neighborhood right in front of our mailbox. Anyway, I did manage to make a pretty efficient drop-route for him, and I watched him use it while Wilbur and I put the finishing touches on a little snowman we made while the kids slept the day away. The problem is, Wilbur is now favoring what had been his good leg. I can't pop the knee back in, though, so I don't know if it's a subluxing patella issue or something else. Right now he is wiped out from all the air.

And I am worried about Molly. She is acting her age. Her legs are seeming weaker and she slips a lot more. She didn't bound in the snow like she usually does, and she didn't want to play in it at all. But she is 14, and she's doing great considering. Every day that she wakes up and is happy I consider to be a good day.

In other news, Christmas is coming! I hope that the weather will hold out. And apparently, Kevin has invited (with my blessing from a dreamlike state the other night during Animal House) the Doll for Christmas Eve dinner. I had thought we would just go out, as we are going to church at 10, and it makes it easier to stay awake if we're out, but it seems I said she could eat here with us! So we'll see if that happens. I have to get through the next two days of work and then a day of Christmas wrapping before I can think of Christmas Eve dinner!

And then Megan leaves for their swim team training trip. She will be gone for four days, returning on New Years Eve, and I told her she could have friends over. So we will probably stay at home and try to stay awake. I told her they can all sleep over, boys as well, just so nobody has to worry about being out on the road that night.

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