Saturday, April 3, 2010


So here it is, the day before Easter and the day before Megan leaves, beginning our exodus from NJ heading for Florida. She is stressed, between pressure to perform at the meet (which I keep trying to decrease with motivational speeches encouraging her just to do her best and not worry about anything else) and pressure to complete the mountains of work she has hanging over her, before she leaves.

Brian continues through this Holy Week requirement for his confirmation with limited complaining, although I have to admit I didn't care for his behavior at church last night when I took him: hanging his head, yawning widely in the face of the people on the altar (from the front row), and not following along in the bulletin during the longer parts. Tonight we have a dinner with the Doll at 5, and then church at 7:30. We'll just all go and that will be our Easter visit. Megan has to be at the Y at some point tomorrow to get on the airport bus.

Otherwise, Brian's been supposedly doing his schoolwork as well, so he won't have any when we go away on Tuesday morning, and today I have to get him started packing and cleaning his room. He hasn't really been very social at all this break although I suppose he is somewhat in wait mode, waiting for the excitement of next week. There will be some kids there for him to hang out with as well. The swimmers won't be with us, so he won't have Megan. I'll miss E this year, it was nice to have her to leave in the room with him, and then to know they'd walk up together to meet us, or down to the beach. I knew he would be safe with her. This year, I'll worry if he goes down with the boys. I'm sure he will find them every morning.

As for me, I heard from the woman at the agency yesterday. She had an "opportunity" (been a while since I played this game) which she wanted to know if I'd be interested in ... so I told her sure, go ahead and send my resume. I can't start any job until after April 30, but I can interview in late afternoons and be ready to start on May 3. I also sent my resume for a menial hospital job and for a summer job working in the program through the public schools here in town, where Megan usually volunteers. Might as well keep the feelers going. I've been at it for several months now with only a nibble here and there, and the fiasco with the school job.

And in other news, the dogs seem to be doing well. No more accidents now that the weather is nice and they can go for walks and be in the yard more often. Even Molly seems more chipper. And the Doll did secure her dog walker, I may have said already, so that means Molly will have one walk per day. That ought to do it. Kevin is also preparing to leave, he goes early Monday morning. I usually drive him to the airport but this year since I'll need to leave for work by 8:10, I'll probably just drop him at the train station. I haven't decided yet where to park the car when Brian and I go - to pay the higher short term rates and have it be right there, or to pay half that and have to call for a van to come get us at the off-site parking lot. So stay tuned. The laptop is coming to Florida, so I expect to update. If not, results will be posted here:

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