Wednesday, April 14, 2010

here we are again

Well, we made it home. All three flights landed right on time. Kevin tried to fly standby on the plane Brian and I were on, but it was so overbooked that they were begging people to give up their seats, which nobody did until they upped the ante with first class tickets on the alternate flights. So he ended up being on his original flight, but his suitcase was on with us! So we had to pick it up and take it home for him.

Brian and I had a half hour wait for the shuttle to go back to the car park place, which was annoying, even if the place did save us $100 under what we would have paid in the daily lot at the airport (the one where you walk right out of your car and you're in the terminal.) Megan ended up being well enough to travel and she thought better of her plan to take a sick day from school when I asked her if she would miss anything important in her harder classes. She's stayed after school the past two days for extra tutoring or test-taking, and gone in early as well. Good thing she didn't miss another day!

Wilbur was thrilled to be saved, and he's back to playing fetch-on-demand all day long, except for the many hours he's spent locked up in the pen while I work. And speaking of work, I now have not one, but two interviews lined up for next week. One with an insurance guy and one in a church. So I don't know how they will go or what will become of me in either situation, but at least I am getting bites. It's exciting! And my job will wind down in just two weeks after this one. I double checked today, and it's a definite.

As for Brian, he had the biology tutor come today. In class yesterday, they dissected fish, so she helped him with the lab that's due on Friday, as well as a study guide for a Friday quiz. The funny thing is that the fish they dissected were not science lab fish, but smelly food market fish. I found that quite funny, although I'm also very glad I wasn't in that room while the lab was being conducted! Even the classroom snake hid out inside the paper towel dispenser to avoid the aromatic waves of fish innards.

And in other news, the cleaning people are coming tomorrow and I'm not prepared. For one thing, I haven't been able to scoop the litterboxes since I threw my back out picking up a laundry basket on Sunday (it is improving bit by bit) and I have to put out clean sheets for all the beds, which involves leaning over and digging them out of closets, another impossible maneuver in my crippled state. I have improved tremendously, but if anything is on the floor or I have to crouch and reach for it, I might as well just forget about it. I told the cleaning woman and she said that I should go to the Chinese people who "make massages." So maybe I will.

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