Tuesday, January 19, 2010

midterm mania

Well, Brian should be finishing up his first two midterms as I type this. He had history first, and then algebra. We did our best to bring him up to speed, and he literally has spent hours studying since before Christmas break. Whether or not he did this efficiently or effectively remains to be seen. Tomorrow he has world language and religion, and then on Thursday the toughest: biology. (also English, but we hope he is OK in there)

Megan has her midterms next week, following another crazy weekend with the county high school meet on Sunday afternoon, coincidentally at the same time as the Jet game. Lucky Kevin has the high tech crackberry, although it is hardly the same thing. I keep checking the website to see if they have posted the entries but so far, nothing. Meanwhile, I just completed for her and mailed in the first recruiting questionnaire! Exciting. I won't go into detail since this is a publicly searchable blog, but the way it works is that the coaches can contact her in writing, usually through her coaches, and they can't call her until after July 1. But they ask for a little preiminary information and then if they like what they see, they will follow her progress at her big meets later in the season.

I have completed my first-round interview this morning, and don't really know if I should expect a call back. Apparently there are to be two more rounds of interviews, and I felt that things went well, certainly I know I could do a good job, but who knows what the pool of applicants looks like and if I am ::sob:: not quite the right demographic. But time will tell and fate will prevail. So whatever will be, will be. I have decided I'll take it if offered. I never planned on being a stay-at-home mom in the first place and now I have been one for ten years! My kids are old enough to fend for themselves for a few hours after school, and in the summer, we will just have to figure something out! I'll miss my leisurely beach days, but I will not miss the brown spots on my face. Anyway, I won't put the cart before the horse and my target date for finding a job is September. So if this doesn't work out, hopefully something else will as that date approaches. Stay tuned.

In other news, I am still getting emails from people who say thank you, but decline my inadvertently extended invitation to become my friend on Facebook. Last night I got one from one of the men in our church. Several school employees have surely received them but none have replied. Hopefully most people recognize it as an error, but a few may just think I have taken leave of what little senses I had to begin with. At any rate I continue to try to allay my dismay at this most unfortunate blunder. At least everything with the hacker seems restored to normal. No more pleas for bailouts from 'me' and no strange goings-on. Well, no stranger than the usual, I should say.

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