Thursday, January 21, 2010

and it's a wrap

Brian had mock trial after school today. He doesn't have a speaking part, but he sits in the jury box. So school ended at 12:30 and at nearly 4, I still had not even heard from him. I could see that there were cars driving by on the roads in the school so I assumed he was probably still finishing up the meeting, but three hours?! I finally walked through the woods hoping not to find him beaten to a pulp in the back of the school buildings, and I did not. But just as I got onto the school grounds, he emerged with another boy, and called out to me before he realized the humiliation that being seen with his mother walking home from school would cause.

Anyway, although he feels pretty good about most of the midterms (although I admit to a great sense of unease, especially since he said he did well on one and then said that he didn't have time to finish 12.5 points of the test!) he is pretty sure he failed the biology one. I am not surprised, there was so much material and he was so behind due to his study habits during the marking period. So we will wait until the grades are in and then we'll have to get him a tutor or work with him closely. I am sorry to say that I have little faith in the teacher, as he doesn't seem to care whether or not Brian pulls his grades up. He is the one who basically told me that he won't be helping the biology students because they shouldn't need help. So we'll see. According to Brian everyone in his class thought the test was impossible and everyone who had another teacher found it to be reasonable. But the scores will speak for themselves, and if he is the only one to truly fail, we's got a problem.

But that is that. And I have had no return invite for another interview although technically, tomorrow is the "end of the week." I am working at two schools tomorrow, I had accepted a PM job at one already but then an AM job at another came up. I'm nervous because the AM school has kept me in the past beyond noon, and I am supposed to be to the other school by 12:01. I'll have to ask them in the office if they can let me go a few minutes early and let the other school know I may be a few minutes late. I didn't want to accept the morning job for that reason, but it wouldn't go off my screen, and I began to wonder if I was the only one seeing it. Usually they get snatched up. So if somehow I was specifically requested, I didn't want to turn it down. Even if I have given up hope of a permanent position with the district, at least I need to keep my reputation strong, if I am going to be doing this for years and years and years!

Oh, and I got my car inspected today! I was so nervous because of the passenger side mirror being loose. It bounces around at high speeds on the parkways but for regular driving it's OK except I can't adjust it. I have it set at an angle which is just about right as long as it isn't bouncing around. We have the new one, but someone told Kevin that if he changes it in the cold weather, the plastic clips in the door panel might snap, and then we would have to replace the entire door panel. I decided to risk inspection. If I failed, it would have to be fixed immediately anyway, and if not, we have a little time (actually a lot, unless it falls off, and then there's always duct tape.) I took it to a hands-on brushless car wash first and it looked brand-spankin' new going through the inspection lane. I was proud to call it my own when they called me over.

As I drove away, I was texting Kevin that I had passed. I was on a road in the parking lot behind the DMV, and approaching a stop sign so I just stopped in the middle of the (empty) road. Technically I suppose I was texting while driving, but I wasn't moving and nobody was behind me. But I looked up and on the back of the new inspection sticker, it says, "PUT DOWN THE PHONE!" Haha.

And in other news, Megan's high school team had a successful meet yesterday. They beat a team that they have never beaten in her time at the school. They might have lost but the other team's two best swimmers were not allowed to swim because they had missed another meet on Friday. So we won by two points. This could get us to the first round of the tournaments, not sure. That would be fun. If we were the last seed we would race the first! That's what happened last year with the team that we beat yesterday. And this weekend is the big county meet. Oh dear. Kevin has just come home and donned his new "progressive" glasses. The woman at the optical shop didn't want to let me pick them up for him, because she wanted to teach him how to use them. She said it was basically useless if he didn't use them properly. I guess I should go and study him in them.

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