Tuesday, November 24, 2009

my tuesday morning adventures

But allow me to start with yesterday afternoon. I was browsing my email, as I do all day every day, and there were two emails from the company that runs the widget that was checking for jobs for me. One referenced a refund, and the other explained that my district has 'opted out' of the service. No idea why. So I am scrambling to figure out what to do. I did find out that there's an add-on that will continuously refresh the page for me, so I don't have to keep hitting F5. But it won't alert me to any changes on the page and it has to be run with Firefox. So I installed Firefox, got the add-on, and now I have to use windows of different sizes so I can see if the red words announcing no openings fleetingly turn to the black text of an available job.

This morning, nothing. The red letters remained. It's a half day two days before Thanksgiving, and there are teacher conferences, so I don't expect much. Then Megan called and said she had forgotten something. I had to drop it off at 8, it was for a party of sorts at school. Just then, I noticed the red had gone black. And it was a job I would have liked! Fifth grade at the closest school. I pondered my capabilities as far as showering, driving the cups to the high school, and still getting to the job by 8:30. I decided I could do it. And just like that, the black was red again. Wow! You have to move fast.

Apparently there are other programs that will actually *accept* the jobs for you. You set the parameters: schools, dates, even teachers if you like; and it will accept them as soon as it sees them. I wonder if others are doing this already, hence my not seeing anything? Although this new reloader reloads every 10 seconds, where the widget wouldn't go more frequently than every minute. So technically, as long as I can sit and stare eternally, I should stand a better chance at snagging something. At least until I leave the house. Or walk out of the room.

And so I lost the job for today. I dropped off the cups for Megan, then went to the gas station and the bank and came home and took a walk. I was about to have my shower when I noticed a large, rottweiler-ish dog just out walking around. She was going up people's driveways and walkways and looking a little skittish. I could see she had a collar on, so I assumed she had just gotten loose, but I didn't want her to get hurt OR to bite me. So I called animal control. "Right away" turned out to be over half an hour, and of course, she didn't stay nearby. So I went out in the car to stalk her, as she continued trying to find her house. She stayed on the sidewalk side, but she did cross the street at one point.

Finally, along came Animal Control. As I was showing him where she was (not where I had said when I called, obviously), I found his partner already with her. And just as the two of them were leashing her up, a man in an SUV pulled alongside and opened up his back door. So I guess she was saved in the end. It made me think that if Wilbur ever got out, nobody would know who he was. He doesn't wear a collar because he chokes and hacks when things squeeze his throat. When he goes for walks, he wears a harness which we don't leave on. He is micro-chipped but I don't even know if that is registered. Maybe I should put a collar on him just for decoration and then he can wear baubles like Molly does. Even Molly has outdated rabies tags on her collar, and probably outdated dog licenses as well. They're such a pain to get off and on that I just hope if she got away and was found, they'd call and find out that she's up to date on everything.

And in other news, I found another lucky penny today. So the phone rang and it was actually a call in response to a resume I sent in. Sadly, they wanted someone for (of course) nights and weekends. I'm pretty sure the job was listed as part time days or I wouldn't have sent it in. And I almost wish I could take a job on nights and weekends and then switch to days. But it isn't worth it at this point. Megan is only home for another year and a half, why would I want to spend my nights and weekends at work? (Oh, that's right .. to help pay for her to go .. haha)

But at least I finally got a call. That's more than has happened in the several weeks I have been working at this. And I do expect things to slow down now that the holidays are here. Maybe they'll pick up again in the new year.

Meanwhile, I am still watching this whole flu thing. Now we have mutating virus samples, resistant strains (they reported this months ago and now they're acting like it's news), and severe reactions from vaccines in Canada. I don't think the fog will ever lift on this one. Maybe we should all move to France. Swine flu seems not to want to mess with them so much. But it's good to be able to be at home in case anyone does get sick. ::knock wood::

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