Thursday, May 8, 2008

Blog Strike

My blog is on strike. My brain won't cooperate. I attribute this to four days with the same resource kids, which is now, thankfully, blissfully over. Unfortunately I fell for the same trick where the sub caller calls from the central office and I think it's one of my kids. She asked me to work tomorrow, but at least only for the afternoon. It's in a third grade class. I'll have to suffer through 2 1/2 hours, but at least then it will be Friday night.

In other news: Kevin's moles are not malignant, but now he looks like someone speared him with a skewer and then stitched it back up - one in front, one in back, and they each have about eight gruesome stitches apiece. No landscaping news, nothing else much to report. Megan has her confirmation on Mother's Day; the Doll is going to attend her church first, then come to ours. We're going to a new restaurant for dinner, because Brian has a baseball game at 1.

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