Thursday, February 3, 2011

on the road to recovery

Pegleg is enjoying her new leg, sometimes more than she should, and it's hard to keep her calm. She peed in the house today, something she hasn't done since she was heavily medicated, but luckily I was able to catch her in the act and get her outside (not in time, but she knew what I was mad about, I think).

We got the news from the vet that the lump on Wilbur's wrist is just a collection of synovial fluid, so some sort of cyst or injury, and nothing to worry about as long as it doesn't bother him.

And B is back to school but not without the ill effects of having missed the first two days of the marking period. They had parent teacher night tonight so we went and hit the three classes he's already dropping in: math, English, and chemistry. Turns out chemistry is the only one to worry about for now - the grammar tests that have dragged him down are soon to be a thing of the past, and his math grade will hopefully be an anomaly (he did poorly on the first quiz, but I don't worry too much because I know that he has the math tutoring and that is really helping him through.)

Well, I just got the notification that the laptop battery is dying so I will be brief! This weekend will be M's final performance representing her high school swim team at the conference meet. The girls are scheduled to swim Sunday afternoon this year. So send positive vibes!

So in other news, we are counting the days until we visit warmer climates (Florida!) in a few months, and also dreaming of crocuses and azaleas and forsythia. Someone on Facebook commented today on how it was 5pm and not dark out yet. Things are happening!! But for now, I am happy to be able to walk on the driveway without worrying about a wipeout :)

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