Wednesday, February 23, 2011

mean people suck

A few weeks ago in church, we saw that they were collecting blankets, coats, etc, for a homeless community in a nearby town. The kids decided that they would do their own little drive in the neighborhood, earn a couple of community service hours, and help out at the same time. So they put flyers in all the mailboxes on our street and the connecting block, about 60 houses or so. About six or eight ended up participating, but they gave a lot. The whole truck was packed, and we dropped them off at the church the following week, to the delight of the recipients.

Today, in the mail, in an unmarked envelope mailed from Trenton, about an hour away, was a copy of the flyer! And on the back was written "IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO PUT THIS IN THE MAILBOX WITHOUT POSTAGE. WOULD YOU WANT A STRANGER IN YOUR MAILBOX?" =:-O !! Mean people suck!!!

As I said, they only put the flyers in our immediate neighborhood. The houses that we walk by, drive by, ride, by anytime we leave the neighborhood. Our names and phone numbers were on the flyer! It was not a solicitation, and nobody was even pressured to participate! It was a simple request.

But, sad to say, the cowardly objector is right. Apparently, it IS against the law to put things in people's mailboxes without stamping them! I guess I didn't realize after the countless geranium sales, pet food drives, and other humanitarian causes that have been promoted through this senseless disregard for the law!! Criminals are everywhere! This person is to be commended for bringing our horrific crime to our attention. I wish they had had the nerve to stand and be recognized.

And people wonder what is wrong with New Jersey.

And in other news, Abby is healing well, she saw the vet the other day and he was pleased with her progress, although it will be another three to five weeks before the bone can be considered healed enough to let her go all out running. She's unaware of this limitation, and frequently has to be stopped mid-gallop as she tears through the house. Wilbur is still unconvinced of her value, and she sometimes paws him a little harder than his fragile self can tolerate, but other times he likes to use her for a punching bag. There has been no more guarding or serious growling in weeks, so that's a good thing.

On the medical front, B passed the neuro test and M continues to battle this nasty staph. It's not infected or contagious, they tell us, but getting back into the pool causes more small spots to break out, which causes me to fly into a panic and send her back to the doctor for another check. She's two weeks into this antibiotic (tomorrow) and he gave her a refill, but I would like her off of it unless (a) she still needs it and (b) it is going to work to keep her on it longer, rather than just allow the bacteria to start growing again once she's off. There are others she can take, but they're apparently harder on the system and he wants to let this one do the trick.

So my parting advice: be nice, because (have I mentioned?) mean people suck.

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