Monday, January 17, 2011

doggone new year

Happy new year! This is the first time blogger is allowing me to post in 2011! Maybe I had to age another year before it would work again. Last time I tried it just froze up.

Anyway, as many know already, the dog is gone :( After almost 15 years as our family dog, Molly couldn't hang on another second. So, despite my better judgment I replaced her with a new dog. And I broke the dog before I even brought her in the house! She was bounding around, so excited to have a home, and she slipped on a pile of snow and blew out her patella (knee). She is over at the vet now, eight days after her arrival, recovering from the repair. She is due home tomorrow, and she'll be in a splint for two weeks and slow rehab for several months after. Hopefully she will be ready for the spring season at the dog beach! I was really looking forward to having a dog who would enjoy things like ocean swims and dog parks. Wilbur IS my best friend, but sometimes as a dog he just doesn't fill that dogness void.

This week is midterm week for B. Hell week, one might say. We're all on edge not knowing how this will go! And with the blanket of snow, it's difficult for him to walk home, but I can't leave work to pick him up at 12:30 ... it takes me 45 minutes in travel time just to get here and back. So I'm making him carry some boots in a bag to change and walk home. Or he can try to figure out about the bus .. this is when it would have been convenient! He hasn't taken it all year.

As for M, she swam successfully at the HS meet the other week, so that was a relief because after her meet in December she wasn't sure if she still had it in her! And her college coach-to-be called her the other night so she was able to redeem herself a bit by reporting more impressive times even though she was not 'tapered' for the meet. Interestingly, her college team just came off of a tri-meet where they beat one of the other teams in the conference who has been ahead of them for the past few years. Exciting times for that team, as they may be able to rise up a bit in the conference rankings.

And in other news, my job plods along. At least some new business is finally in the pipeline but it's been quite a while since I heard talk of more money, or even paid vacation days and/or holidays. I hate having to stand up for myself in these situations but it might be time to do so. Of course, now that we have to pay for the dog's patella surgery, I'll be in dire straits for the next six months!(We got a credit line to pay for it but it has to be paid off within six months or we will have interest charges - otherwise it's a 0%...but we didn't see the final tab yet ... ouch) Stay tuned.

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