Tuesday, December 21, 2010

what is the reason for the season?

I would love Christmas if I had the time. My boss continues to ask me when I can work longer hours (I am very happy with the hours that I have, by the way, regardless of kids or not) yet when I take days off, they are unpaid. It is the best and the worst of both worlds. But I drive around and see all of the lights and trees, and we just barely managed to get ours up over the weekend. Not even all, and somehow I never feel motivated to get the rest.

Traffic is picking up, and it's impossible to get anywhere. B is still having his math tutoring, which takes me up to the main strip twice a week, and the traffic is crazy. I guess with time having run out to make purchases online, shoppers are left with no choice.

I'm not even sure if the shopping is all done, although I am hoping that it is! I made one surprise last minute purchase for M, which I had told her she was getting but not until after New Years.

Speaking of M, perhaps the news has been seen that she did in fact get her scholarship to college! She wasn't admitted to the honors college which, while a bit insulting, is also somewhat of a relief. She would have lived in different housing, and she would have had additional requirements on top of swimming and the very specific program of the college to which she was admitted, the Speech/Language Pathology and Audiology program of the health sciences college.

Since her scores and GPA and class rank were high, I can only imagine it was either (a) her low science score on the ACT (b) something else in her application or (c) the fact that she will be an athlete on scholarship that caused her not to be offered that honors spot. No matter, we are very happy with the outcome. Oh, and she also did get into the other college to which she applied, with a $10,000 scholarship. I guess that validates that she made the right choice, as she'll get more from the one she chose anyway! And what a great city Boston is for a college student!

As for B, his grades continued to spiral downward with his venture into high school swimming. Although he's been enjoying the team, he isn't very good at time management and his grades have reflected this. Tonight he chose to stay home, because he has three tests tomorrow, his last day before break. One is in English, where he hovers at the low end of passing, and the other is history, where he's holding steady at a high C. The third is in math, where the additional tutoring funds are paying off and I no longer panic at the news of an impending exam. There are plenty of other opportunities for such panic, however.

And in other news, I'll get my car fixed on Monday and Kevin is off all week. My office is closed Friday and Monday and I'll probably take off one other day as well (maybe Tuesday). M will have to go to her training trip again, like it or not, and she will be back on New Years Eve. So that's our excitement for now. Run with it!

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