Sunday, November 7, 2010

quiet on the home front

So, here it is, another Sunday night. Just me, kids, dogs, cats, and the sneezing couch. The weeks have just been flying by. High school swimming starts this week (at least the practices do) and that will be exhausting. B is going to give it a try this time, and his school practices half an hour away from 5-7. No bus. I sure hope I can arrange some sort of carpool. As for M, her senior year! No pressure. At least she is already accepted into college but there are bragging rights at stake as well. I'll say no more about that!

My job is pretty lame. I really don't know if I'll make it. I have realized that there is one aspect I'm just not going to be able to do the way the boss wants it, and that's manage the list of people he wants to call. I just can't make heads or tails out of the names that fly at me from all directions, and although I organize them into list after list, I never see those lists again, so I just really can't do it if he isn't going to cooperate. And I don't think he wants to. He tells me that he will not change, and expects me to adapt. So, I don't know. I'll give it my best go for as long as I can but meanwhile I think I'd better not get used to having these paychecks! He's out for the week this week, so it should be quiet.

Kevin is also off for a conference in San Antonio this week. He just left this afternoon while Wilbur and I were at the dog park. He'll be back Wednesday right before things get really crazy with obligations and evening commitments.

As far as the hospital goes, patient zero (Rusty) is 100% recovered. The girls have been to the vet as well, at $106 per cat, and they are being treated but not having the miraculous recovery enjoyed by their brother. Fortunately it doesn't seem to have crossed the species barrier, and the dogs seem well. As well as can be in Molly case, anyway, and she is just about out of her pills, so I'll have to call tomorrow for more of those. More $$. Please note that I will not be replacing those who depart. Although perhaps Molly. It's going to be hard on the pompom when she goes.

B's marking period ended Friday. We thought he had two C's, a bunch of B's and an A (computers, which is an elective), but his religion teacher graded a bunch of papers and a test at the last minute and all of a sudden he had three C's. But this was still a much better marking period than any other, because aside from the initial failures in math (which may have been a blessing because it drove us to Mathnasium where he is filling in the gaps left as a result of his weak middle school information retention) he has gotten through the classes mostly without guidance from us, which is the ultimate goal. Incidentally, math is no longer one of the C's!

And in the case of M, we all trekked up to Boston yesterday for an open house at her college. We sat in on the speech presentation and also the honors college. We toured the new dorm, which is where the freshmen who are accepted into honors are offered housing, and Kevin took B to the computer science presentation, where B was floored by the availability of resources. He loved it, but didn't like the urban setting. So we're getting an idea of what he wants out of a college, and will spend next year helping him narrow down his options, and helping him prepare for the SATs. (I keep running college searches for him and Hofstra comes up as one of his best matches!)

The speech department is interesting. It's very small, and the woman who presented at first kept getting confused and saying the wrong things (like calling their five year MS program a four year program and misunderstanding the questions she was asked) but the woman in charge of the coops was great, and she really made it exciting. Then they had two students, one in particular I wondered if he might not have been advised to wear a sign around his neck saying, "results not typical," because the things he had already done were truly amazing.

The problem that I foresee is going to be a conflict with swimming and coop in her sophomore year. She will have to do a six month coop from January through June, and they have their championship meets as well as their training trip in January. But obviously this can't be her issue only, as the school is based on cooperative experiences, so all athletes must confront this issue at some point. She just wants to put it off until the time comes, but I keep telling her she has to discuss it with the coach and the coop advisor as soon as she gets there.

And, if she gets into honors, there will be additional conflicts, but she'll have to decide if she wants to take them on. Honors certainly sets her above but will she be able to handle it all? But I put the cart before the horse here - we have another month or more to wait before the acceptance even arrives - although the letter she has to sign for the scholarship should be here later in the week. The signing period is Thursday to Thursday.

And in other news, what other news is there? I've rambled on enough already, have I not? It seems I've run out of things to say!

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