Saturday, October 30, 2010

spooky saturday

Last night when we went out for dinner, a black cat ran across the road right in front of us!! This after OUR cat finally captured the small furry creature who had been appearing only to B for two days. Kevin put the poor little thing outside in the cold, better then the fate it was about to have met. Hopefully it took up residence in a tree or a shed, anywhere but back in our house!

So the news on college may be well known by now, and M is going to go to school in Boston. Of course, she finally heard back from the coach of the small superior school yesterday, he told her that he was sorry that she wouldn't be swimming for them because she "really impressed" them while she was there. This may have been the case, but then why did he ignore her thank you email and her coach's call and email? But it's done now anyway as she's made the verbal commitment. The school will send official papers to be signed the week of November 8 (NCAA early signing period) and then we wait for the acceptance to come, hopefully with a nice merit award attached!

As for B, the first marking period is about to end so we're anxiously awaiting a couple of test scores. He's surprisingly off on Monday, I don't think about things like All Saints Day normally, and since it's the first day of the new month, I hadn't looked ahead on the calendar. He just found out yesterday in school. He'll have some time to sleep a little, and do a little work. Of course let's hope it's more work than sleep but I suspect this might not be.

Rusty is sick! He sneezes all the time. I have never heard a cat have this kind of cold. I was trying to wait it out but then I found a youtube video of a cat with the same sneeze, and that cat went to the vet and got antibiotics and got better, so I'm hoping for the same for the Rust. We're going today at 10:45. All three cats are behind on their shots and I have to get them in for those, but not while he's sick, so I guess it will have to wait.

The other news is that M was a 'school winner' in the Wendy's scholarship program. They were supposed to post the state finalists yesterday at 5, but they didn't. In fact, they still haven't. So we keep checking but now it's starting to look like they might have left for the weekend without knowing their site didn't update :/ So far she has gotten a $10 card to Wendy's and another of unknown value (you find out when you get to the store, that was the 'thanks for playing' card). The big prize is much more, but it's also much more competitive, obviously.

And in other news, we're now cleaning lady-less, as I went and told the cash-only, wash-rags-for-me, buy-me-a-broom lady that I was just going to do the house myself. So it looks like now that's what I'll have to do. Also, I have 'won' the Bookrags case in that they refunded money for two of my orders, gave me a credit for the third, and reactivated my account, but they tried to make it sound as if I was making up stories, or at least stretching the truth, because *they* would never do this to a customer! Anyway, I won't use their services again unless I use that credit. I don't think I'll have any such luck in the case of the Target VISA so I'll probably just pay that off and close it. I can't believe the interest rate is so high! With college real and on the horizon now, I'm trying to sock away as much as I can, which will be a tad easier without having cleaning people to pay every two weeks, and without so much available credit.

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