Sunday, October 17, 2010

weekend in review

The weather sure is nicer here in NJ than it was up there in Central NY! But amazingly, for a weekend where everything seemed to be stacked against the school (the storm and their broken down pool, for example) it was a huge success, and M loved it there, as it seemed did the rest of the visitors.

So now next weekend she has her one more visit up in Boston, and then we'll see what everyone has to say as far as scholarship offers or not. I think both schools have an equal amount to divvy up but it depends on where the competition is greater, and how badly they want her, and just their general policies. This school this weekend seemed to be telling her that they have to cover the financial need of the athletes with their scholarship money, which means that we won't qualify unless nobody else does either, and then it can be split up as they see fit.

Anyway, we should know within a couple of weeks. The third school she applied to is having an open house today but she can't make it because she has a walk for the National Honor Society. B is going too, but he's just working the table for his school. Usually our church sends a small constituency, I guess they are again this year, but M&B will be representing other interests. It doesn't matter, all of the money goes to the same charity. But back to the college open house, since this is just a back-up, I guess we'll have to schedule it on our own time later on.

My plan for today is to try to clean the house. The new cleaning lady came last week, but she called when she was on the block, so I had to leave work in a hurry, luckily B was home to navigate her, and then, after telling me, "don't worry," in response to my query about what she might require, she came empty-handed and expected Brian to produce everything.

Then she said it was too late (2pm) for her to start the house, informed me that she doesn't pick things up off the floor, so if the kids leave their rooms cluttered, they won't get vacuumed well, and she gave me a list of items that will likely cost me $100 just to get her started! And demanded cash each time she comes so she won't have to go to the bank! I've paid cash for things like that before and it just doesn't work well for me. I don't pass a bank on the way to or from work, and although I can go to the grocery store and take cash back, I can't get enough. I never carry more than $40 or so in cash.

So I'm considering calling her and just telling her never mind. At this rate I have to do so much legwork for her to just come in and clean and vacuum that I might as well just do it myself. and save the badly needed money. How can I cry poverty and pay someone to clean my bathrooms? It doesn't really compute. No wonder all the schools are rejecting out applications for aid.

Well, really that appears to be my rant of the day. I have to work up the nerve to call her. The thing is, I never asked her to put us on the schedule. I asked her to come and see the house. And if she had come and seen it, then we would have taken it from there. She also made a comment about how big it was. I asked if she changed sheets and she said it didn't matter. Which to me means no. I have a feeling she'll be relieved. Our house is big and it's usually cluttered. I think she wanted a nice small easy one. And why pay someone if I know I won't be able to have the whole house impeccable? She'll end up just cleaning around everything we have left out, and it will never really get cleaned. Because she is "old." That's why she said she doesn't move things around.

And in other news, back to the workplace tomorrow. I'm not off any more days, at least I have none planned. Tomorrow we are supposed to 'discuss' my deficiencies, which basically means my inability to monitor things of which I have not been made aware. It's starting to wear on me. I was trying to think of ways to make myself more tolerant of the whole thing - like actively sending out resumes, or setting goal dates like through the holidays for things to take a turn for the better. Everyone in the office is nice, the boss included, and I do like him. But sometimes he can be downright rude, and when he forgets something and goofs, always tries to make it as if it happened because of something I did, or didn't do. I'm getting a little tired of it.

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