Wednesday, July 14, 2010

long overdue: rain, sharks, college, work

The above about sums it all up. I have neglected the blog again, it is true. I'd promise to be better but I can't say for sure. There are so many minor distractions that I often just feel too tired to think too hard. This past weekend, my usual updating time, was spent at a swim meet. (Well, only in the evenings, but the days were spent rushing around because the evenings were to be lost).

Anyway, it rained!!! It didn't rain for weeks and then rained buckets on the night of the concert for which I had bought three tickets three months ago, which M took for herself and two friends. And it rained on the day when B said he would want to go to the beach. And it is raining again right now.

M said she had a lot of fun at work today. They swam out to the buoys, they played in the surf, and they paddled in the pond. People were getting stuck in the currents but there were no major mishaps. Half the day was somewhat sunny down there. But the scary part is the sharks! More seen just to the south. It's frightening. People claim to have seen them all up and down, but only a couple have made the news, and they try to downplay the ones that do. With all of these tournaments, they're way out there. And I thought the currents were going to be my major source of anxiety this summer!

As for college, it's the same old game. Trying to provide them with what they ask for, but not getting exactly the right documents from the school. Of course, I have sent whatever I can to the admissions offices, but the coaches want separate copies. I'd pay and have them sent if I could, but there is no code for that!

And the sadness again is Molly, who continues to deteriorate. She has been swinging back and forth between her panting and drinking episodes and her lying around motionless events. She falls down when she stands up because her legs are too weak to support her, especially on the ceramic tile. I cut the fur around her pads tonight so hopefully that will help her. Once she's up and walking, she does OK. Why is this always such a slow and helpless process with these pets? Most of the time, she still seems ok, just resting.

So that is about it for the 'big' news. In other news, B prepares for his west coast trip, which is to begin in just four days!!! I cannot believe it. His new shoes came yesterday (I ordered them online) and he has his fancy haircut. All we have to do is get him packed up and get his documents in order. I can't believe he's really going.

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