Sunday, July 25, 2010

and she's off!

B is back! He made it home without incident, although I must say, he is awfully skinny!! I guess he must have looked that way when he left, but it's shocking nonetheless. He went from being a round baby to a thinner child to a chubby cheeked steroid ten year old to a gradual transformation into what his father must have looked like at this age - a walking stick. We go to the doctor in a week for his annual check-up so that will be interesting. Last year he was 64 inches and about 105 pounds. I wouldn't be surprised if the 105 were still the case, just stretched out over a few more inches!

But he had a great whirlwind trip to the west coast. They didn't waste much of the time being idle!

And now M is milling about and packing for her trip to the meet. Kevin will go down and stay at a cousin's, caring for her ailing dog while leaving me to care for ours. M will stay with the team at the hotel, and they will all see each other at the pool. I'll be working although for the first three days the office will be quiet, with most of the workers out at the annual meeting. I'll watch M swim on the computer from there, and B will be doing a four day camp at the tennis academy.

Meanwhile, on the college front, things could get interesting or fizzle after this meet. M has had a couple of impressive calls this week, and she has been invited to an official weekend visit by one of the coaches. She had a fun run of lifeguard tournaments, and she did an ocean swim yesterday and was the first female finisher. She didn't ask her coach if it was OK, but of course he found out, he knows people everywhere, and she was worried about going to practice tonight but he didn't give her a hard time at all, just teased her a little and then said he heard she went really fast. So we'll see!

As for Kevin, he is on vacation starting now, for two weeks. He'll go to the meet with M, and then when he gets back, he'll spend some time with B. I, of course, will work. Although M and I may take another college-visiting jaunt later in the week up to Boston. It won't be long, possibly just one overnight.

And in other news, Molly continues her ups and downs with Cushings. I had her retested and she was still very low, so now she is still on the prednisone and will be retested in another month or so. But I'm not really sure what is going on because she peed on the floor in our room last night. So today I didn't give her the prednisone in the morning and she was lethargic and didn't eat again. Go figure. We gave her a whole pill then and she rebounded and came for a walk with us after the rain cooled things down. So it's one day at a time.

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