Sunday, May 30, 2010

and it's sunday again

Well, this is becoming a weekly column for me instead of a blog! The week just went by so quickly. I always feel like it's dragging on Tuesdays and then it's Wednesday and there are just two days left, and before I know it, it's Friday and the weekend again! This is moving too fast!

And so I am officially employed. I don't know how I'll be paid, I have to set that up myself, but I'm no longer a temp. I have a job! Time will tell how it will play out, well for all, I hope. For the summer, the conditions will remain relatively unchanged but beyond that, I guess it depends on the way things go over the next three months or so.

Megan as well is going to be gainfully employed. She had her meeting yesterday, so she'll have about a week of training and then shadow someone for several days. She might take on a side assignment, working with the younger kids, that will be fun for her. They have a huge competition, though, held where she will be working, on the last day of her big summer meet. So we'll have to see about that too. Obviously she will have to miss something, whether it be the last day of the meet, or the tournament. More unknowns.

Brian is in the home stretch of his finals prep and I'm quite concerned with the volume of material he has to review, and how long it takes him to do everything. He likes to talk about what he is going to do and then take too long to do it all. Writing seems to elude him. I think sometimes he thinks too hard about what he thinks the answer is rather than just writing what he really thinks.

Incidentally, I read Megan's SAT essay on the website, and I see she actually did something similar. Although well written, she skirted the issue a few times, while it seemed like she was trying to wow them with her history knowledge or her use of famous quotes, as if she had been told this would bring her a better rating. However, by doing this, she wasn't able to effectively answer the question, which was, do you believe small decisions can have a larger impact in the long run, or something like that. She could have written a top-rated essay if she had talked about something like her first decision to be on a swim team at age 5 in the summer, and where that has led her today, but instead she chose to write about the Puritans decision to form their own church and how it led them to America. An OK response, but it ended up sounding more like she was trying to showcase than really answering the question.

Anyway, I am rambling. I got up early to go to the last church service preached by the pastor and I didn't even go. Someone had said to me that it would be very crowded, and it was only being held in the small hot church. They were having a building dedication afterward, but I missed that too! So now I'm making sure Brian gets started on his work, and then I think I'll ride out to see if I can find a place to park to watch Megan swim in the end of this brutal race. She has opted to swim the 2 miles although 1 was an alternative. Kevin got her a wetsuit, so I'm curious to see how she likes it. Her coach lent her his wife's last year, which he had accidentally thrown into the bag instead of his own.

And in other news, today is a beautiful day. Kevin embarks upon his Danish journey this evening, so we will be a one-parent household for the week. Megan will probably want to spend some time at the beach club today or tomorrow, and Brian will be locked into this studying for the rest of the weekend. Yesterday they spent the whole day volunteering at a fundraiser, so he got barely anything done. Just that he spent four hours working on an essay about a short poem about a man who shoos away a bird and then regrets it.

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