Tuesday, May 18, 2010

stupid is as stupid does

So the total cost of my overdraft debacle: $65. I got more notices and went to the branch and had to confess that I never read anything they send me, so I didn't see the notice that said that they were adding the automatic overdraft. I was actually really mad but I did make a mistake so there wasn't much I could do. I was asking them for the credits in good faith but I was also prepared to vote with my feet. Most of our money is in Chase anyway, and Td is small pickins next to them, so I could have closed that account and just opened more at Chase, where they'd all be connected anyway. I didn't like the woman who credited me back $70 but not another $35 yesterday at the branch, though. She was bordering on condescending, but she did give me the $70 or I would have closed the account on the spot, online banking or not!

Anyway, work has been crazy. I have the voice of the woman from the agency in my mind telling me I am doing a lot of work for what they are paying me, which is true. If this remains the case after the summer I'll have to think about things. I've also heard many have come and gone before me. I felt very stupid and useless today but then things picked up and I helped to solve some problems so I felt better. None of what I have been doing is anything I'm particularly fond of or good at, so I've been having to try really hard to understand things (like administrative documentation issues). But all of this has to be done, and I have to get it out of the way before I can move on to the things that I think I might actually enjoy doing. And there are still mysterious goings-on that I don't understand.

But to summarize the weekend, the dogs were groomed by a new groomer and I love her. She opened a new shop that I saw once from the car wash and, desperate for a new person, I googled her and found all good reviews. So I made an appointment and she exceeded my expectations. She took the two dogs in and had them for nearly four hours. When we picked them up, Molly was walking around and Wilbur was sitting on the couch with the assistant, watching TV. He looked happy as could be. Much different from anywhere I have ever been. I will definitely go back, and I recommended her to the Doll as well.

And then there was Kevin, and his separated shoulder. At the hospital, of course they had to give him heavy medications just to get him to relax so they would be able to put it back in. So they got it in without incident; we thought an ortho doc did it but it turns out the ortho docs didn't even answer the page and the ER doc just did it. So they told Kevin to follow up with an ortho and he called the one they sent him to 14 years ago, the last time this happened, and their nasty rude receptionist did their usual "we don't take your insurance, and no ER doc would do that, our doctors probably won't even want to see you" routine (don't know how this group stays in business, their front desk staff is so rude).

Kevin checked with the ER and it was in fact the ER doc who did. He ended up getting an appointment for Thursday with the doctor E saw when she broke her collarbone, the one who didn't want to do surgery. So he was very nice and I really liked him and their staff is wonderful too. All he should need, hopefully, is some exercises and reassurance that he will be able to keep the shoulder in place without any sort of surgical reinforcement.

And that was that. So Brian, after giving me high anxiety (and himself, too, it takes the form of stomach problems with him now) has gotten three B's today: biology, religion, and math. In English, the class he is failing, he said he had done his homework and Sunday at 10:00 PM I checked the teacher's website to find there was a difficult assignment due to be collected the next day. Then last night I checked, to find he must FINISH Of Mice and Men by next Wednesday and he didn't even have the book! It's outside reading for the marking period! Good grief. So I ran out and picked that up last night.

Meanwhile, Megan plods along. She's now waiting to hear from the pool AND the beach about a summer job. If she gets neither, she can just volunteer somewhere for the summer. This is ridiculous. Her chances may be good for the beach (who can tell?), but I'm miffed at the pool club. She volunteered there and used one of their staff as a recommendation and they didn't even bother to call. They would have been lucky to have her, and they blew it. If she gets the beach, that's a better job for her. People are so mean!! :p

And in other news, there is big rain now. I had to run around after I got home today. Getting out at 2 is great because on days like this I can get Megan from the bus and she doesn't have to get soaked. Today she had her podiatrist appointment and her warts are looking really good. (he says, I think they look hair-raisingly horrendous) He told her to take a week off from treating them and see him, maybe they are gone. He needs the horrible white swollen tissue to subside so he can tell. Wouldn't that be so exciting?

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