It's been a hectic morning already and it's just 11:44. Brian has been to two hours of physical therapy, Kevin has had blood drawn, and Megan and I have wasted the better part of an hour and a half sitting in an orthopedist's office only to prove what google had already led me to discover: the foot is not broken (my initial sense) and the tendon affected is the 'ehl' as per the doctor's frantic dictation into his little dictaphone; which translated to the extensor hallucis longus, or the tendon that controls the big toe. So she will be fine. He gave her a hard shoe to wear around and told her he would give her prescription strength aleve, but he forgot and I left without it, because I think advil will do just as well. My main goal in this $230 waste of half the morning was to prove that the foot was not broken, which I did.
Of course I hate doctors offices. They sent her immediately in for an xray before even consulting the doctor with us, and so of course I half expect there to be some horrible mass that doesn't belong there, having nothing to do with our reason for the visit. Thankfully, this was not the case. Then they stuck us away and left us to rot in a dingy little room that was only dimly lit with aging flourescent lights. Finally when the doctor came in he perhaps spent five minutes with us. Then it took nearly as long as all of that to wait for the receipt to print out, so I can submit this to the insurance. It was grueling, but at least the results were as I had self-diagnosed her anyway.
Yesterday's medical adventure was equally fun. The Doll called at noon and said she had a 3:00 appointment, perfectly inconvenient as that's the time everyone gets home and starts wanting to be taken places. I arrived to get her at 2:40 and found her lurking in her doorway wearing a facemask in the style of Michael Jackson. She does have quite a bit of a cough but the radiology office said they would call with results yesterday and since we haven't heard, I assume she does not have anything requiring immediate treatment. She did say that she was going to call Kevin to run errands for her today, unfortunately we won't be around until much later.
In other news, we are getting ready to go to the party for the students and their families. Megan won't be able to come this time, since she has to go to practice. I would have her skip but I prefer she saves those missed practices for nights before major tests. So we all got home around 11:15 to find E not even out of her bed yet! So now she is rushing around, we have to leave by 12:30, really we should be on the road before then, especially since we have to drop Megan off at the Y first. Tomorrow is a mellow day. The weather is supposed to be bad, so that might inspire me to cook a meal that makes the whole house smell like food. I haven't done that in weeks on a Sunday! Also, still unemployed for the foreseeable future. Yesterday was a bit of a drag again, and I worked with a woman who just hired to the sub list and has been working steadily the past 2-3 weeks while I have been sitting at home watching the crocuses grow.
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