So tomorrow is a holiday. I still maintain that four day weeks take longer to pass by than five day weeks, because I expect them to fly by and they never do. But that doesn't mean I'm not glad to have the day off! I've been neglecting the blog, either because of the migraines and flu, or because there isn't much that I have to say that I can print in this public venue! But things have been chugging along.
Brian's report card arrived yesterday and he got three A's and four B+'s, which brought him within two points of high honor roll, which is his goal. He made high honor roll only once in middle school, when he was grounded for a month in sixth grade. But these past two marking periods have yielded the best grades he has gotten since, so that is a positive thing. The high school reports haven't arrived, but I already know that Megan's won't be the straight A's we have been used to. She has apparently dropped to B in history, of all things, and also a B+ in chemistry, plus a C+ on that midterm. The rest remains to be seen. Stay tuned.
I think it's a combination of the intense swimming, the hard classes, and the fact that she took the midterms with the flu-like illness that struck us at that inopportune time. So we'll see how time affects those grades over the next couple or marking periods. Thank goodness she doesn't have to miss school for Y nationals this year, only one day, and I'm not crazy about that either. She also has to miss one for Y States.
Kevin is back safely from Sweden, landing on the same day as the plane crash in Buffalo, so that was a bit rattling to hear when the alarm clock went off in the morning. I hate to fly as it is, and now I will be thinking of this on our flights in April. At least if it's ice on the wings that isn't likely to happen on a NJ-Florida flight in April, but that doesn't mean I won't panic anyway!
I saw my doctor on Friday and he was not impressed with my white throat, so that's good, I guess. He also gave me a sample migraine medication so if I start to feel like they are getting out of hand, at least I have some rescue/relief. The problem is that you have to take the medicine at the first sign, and at that point you still feel OK, and can't predict how bad it's going to get. The medicine itself has possible scary side effects so I would rather not take it unless I think it's really necessary.
Anyway, in other news, this is it. The dreaded February week of the neurology visit. So keep us in mind on this one. I hate going. And to add insult to injury, THIS year I'm having a cavity filled that morning!!! Then Megan has some meet this weekend, and I have to go for another favorite, the annual mammogram, on Monday. On that note, I think I'll turn in. This laptop is starting to burn my lap!
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