And so begins the first full week in three weeks. Everyone got off to school without issue, and I had to subject myself to the rigors of my annual mammography. I noticed that things were done a little differently this year, as I was not sent back to wait for an OK to leave this time. I was almost absolutely certain that I had to do this last year, but the tech told me that no, I had the digital imaging done last year as well. So the difference is that there was no doctor in at the time, so although I escaped the office without incident, my films have also not been viewed by an expert, so I continue to sweat it out for the rest of the day!
Megan and I spent the weekend at her swim meet, getting up at 4:30-5 and leaving by 5:45am. The meet was a pretty slow one, and she was mostly entered in her less competitive events, although she did manage to come in second in the 1000, although she had been seeded first and she swam 12 seconds slower than her seed time. But it was still pretty good considering they're working very hard at practice these days and this meet was just to get them into some racing habits in preparation for the upcoming championships.
This year will be different for us, as Megan qualified alreday for nationals and won't be 'tapered' for States, so it will be hard to judge just how well she's doing. She's always done really well at States, but this year she will be a little more tired, and by the time she is 'tapered' she will have flown on a plane and will be staying in a hotel for over a week. So we'll see how that goes for her! and hope for good weather!
Brian and Kevin are signed up for some kind of boating course tonight, and tomorrow night we have an event at church, and Brian has to be there at 5:00 to help with setting up. I guess we will all go, except for Megan who will have swimming. Our carpool has dwindled down to two on many occasions, so I don't know how I'm going to work that tomorrow...I also hope to work again at some point! I had told the caller that I couldn't today, but if I had realized that I would be released so quickly I probably would have asked for an afternoon assignment just to keep busy! I thought they usually have someone there who will keep you and perhaps do more testing if needed, but I was out the door at 9 from an 8:45 appointment.
In other news, the winds of March are all a-blow outside, already! It looks like a beautiful day but the trees give away the coldness of it all with their constant movement. I have to get out to the grocery store and stock up for the week in the hopes that I will be busy. As I always threaten, if they don't get me working soon, I'll have to seek employment elsewhere! But I don't actually know how to go about doing that, since my hours and days of availability are so limited anyway! And I somehow doubt if my threat is of concern to anyone but myself.
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