well, not really. But this is one of my favorite Dilbert cartoons, where they're all sitting around at a meeting and everyone has all of these horrible things that happened to them, and when it's Dilbert's turn to talk, that's what he says. That's sort of how I feel today. I am in a biorythmic low, I guess!
I went in to work and it was weird. Of course the first thing I did when I signed in was check to see how many subs have been working and there were three who have been in the school over the past two weeks, one of them was the one for whom I was switched out of the class I had originally been assigned to for today, and it's someone who was very mean to me in the past, sort of the PTA bully if there is such a thing. I won't even go into it, but that just depressed me more than not working for two weeks.
The kids were OK, this is one of the classes that is pretty much used to me and knows me, the only problem is that they get chatty every chance they get, but it wasn't too bad. But just the general feeling in the school, I felt sad after such a long absence.
Then there is Megan's foot. After she swam the 1000 on Saturday, she got an odd pain in her toe. I didn't pay much attention because truthfully, who does NOT get pain in their toes? But then somehow, and I can't remember why, I had shoes on in the kitchen and I was cooking something - perhaps it was Sunday and they were 'church shoes', she walked behind me and I stepped square onto the same foot.
So she is now asserting that I have broken the foot. It creaks like squirrels when she moves it, and when she has her foot flat on the ground, she cannot lift the big toe on that foot. A little research on google has led me to suspect the extensor hallucis longis. Its job is basically to extend the big toe. And now I have broken it, apparently. Well, it's a tendon, so I can't break it, but presumably I have broken the bone around it, causing her toe no longer to function.
However, further research suggests that it could be a 'pushing off the wall' injury, as per this quote from emedicine: "Hence, the injury is often called dancer's tendinitis. Such injuries have also been described in association with climbing, soccer, and running in relation to frequent push-off maneuvers of the forefoot in these activities" So, perhaps pushing off a pool wall 39 times in 11 minutes could hav predisposed to this condition.
Anyway, in an effort to clear my good name, I have scheduled an appointment with an orthopedist, which will cause an arm and a ::cough:: foot. They can do the xrays on the spot, so if necessary we won't have any further waits. It will be an out of network expense, but thanks to the errant mole and the acne visit, Megan has just about met her deductible for the year anyway.
And in other news, the Doll now professes to have the flu. I didn't believe her until I heard her cough, and my goodness, she has something. True to form, any ailment causes her gastro ills, and I was dispatched in Kevin's absence to fetch the Dulcolax. He is still not home yet from East Nowhere, but I do expect him any minute, telling his tales of planes that start to land and then change their minds. Tomorrow morning, I have a half day of work. The Doll has been told to go for an xray to rule out pneumonia and to tell the truth, after hearing the cough I think this is not a bad idea. On the other hand, I hope not to be the one to take her because if that is the flu - been there done that, don't want to risk that this is a different bug and catch this one too! Oh, here is Kevin. But one more thing: I found a heads-up penny tonight, so I am optimistic for tomorrow!
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