Yep, the girls have it. E came home with it on Friday, spent hours locked in her room, I didn't know she was sick until the next morning, and Megan started sniffling and coughing yesterday, then woke up with a 101 fever this morning. They're both just flopping around the house, alternating television with walking around, and they have midterms tomorrow, should they be well enough to go; even if not (I have a sneaking suspicion one of them is going to use this to keep from going in ...) they still have to take them eventually.
So it turns out to be a good thing that Megan didn't go on this Sweet Sixteen weekend she was invited to this week, they were taking a party bus up to the water park in the poconos and spending time there and snow tubing. Sounded like really a lot of fun, but with this being midterm weekend, we didn't think it was a good idea, and she didn't argue too much. Initially I had offered to drive up for one day, but now it turns out to be a good thing I didn't, today would have been that day. She has two math midterms tomorrow, and also a swim meet and also a night practice. She obviously missed her practice this morning, but wants to go tomorrow.
I think we'll see. I had a good 3-4 days of fever, I don't know that it's a good idea to go back so soon for a tough workout. She might be able to attend the school meet, but I don't think she should swim, or at least not the 500. But we'll see how she is in the evening, and then again in the morning. They're supposed to stay home if they have had a fever within 24 hours, but tomorrow they only go in for the two midterms, which are two hours long apiece.
Brian and I are fairly well improved, which leaves only Kevin to not have been stricken with fever. Either he was the initial carrier, or he is just tougher than the rest of us (heh). He did have the flu several years ago, maybe that built up some immunity. I wish I knew if this really IS the flu. I looked it up and it certainly fits the bill. The 3-4 days of fever, the painful cough, stuffy nose, headache, and loss of appetite, chills and night sweats ... the only thing was that the fever wasn't sky-high, and the exhaustion wasn't unmanageable. But it may have just been a mild strain. Whatever it was, it wasn't fun, and Brian is still feeling the effects, since he's the one stuck on the antibiotic! I've been spraying lysol and wiping down everything with clorox wipes; not that there is anyone else left to protect.
In other news, we are happy to have some balmy temperatures, even if we can't take advantage of them to their fullest. I'm trying to get caught up on laundry and Kevin's out banging around in the garage somewhere. I wanted to try to figure out what to do to make my exercise bike more comfortable to ride but I'm not physically up to the challenge of an uphill bike workout, which is what a simple pedalling on that thing is at this point. I wanted to stop in Sears and ride the floor sample for comparison, but we had to get home to bring food to the sickly. Kevin has promised to make us nachos, ribs, and salad for super bowl dinner tonight. Too bad we aren't invited to a big super bowl party (or even a small one, heh heh). That would have been a good thing for E to experience, although she probably wouldn't be up for it anyway.
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