So the first two workable days of the week have passed me by without a sub call. It's OK, after the hectic week last week and then the somewhat draining three-day weekend, full of drama, I can use a couple of days to catch up on laundry and reading. Which is what I did yesterday, I guess I can do more of it today.
On Monday, I took Megan to the dermatologist and he removed her mole because it was in an out of the way spot, and put her on a vitamin that he uses for acne. So we'll see how that goes. It did look better last night, but it seems to cycle anyway. The problem is the redness and inflammation. He said she needs something to treat it from within. The vitamin sounded ok, but the other alternatives are alarming, like constant antibiotics (one of which she is allergic to, I saw from his list) and birth control pills. Tomorrow we see the neurologist in the afternoon. I can't wait to have that visit behind me, hopefully all positive.
Over the weekend, in talking to E, I mentioned that there are just four months left, and with this being February, that number is rapidly dwindling to three. It's hard to believe that although at times it seemed to drag, in a couple of weeks there are just going to be three months left. And with the trip to Florida in the midst, it will be down to two before we know it. I don't know if we will do this again. Most likely not next year, and definitely not the year after - I doubt if it is a good idea when Megan is a senior. I'm thinking of a boy the next time, if there is a next time (Kevin swears not) because obviously the girl/girl thing has been tough. But if we do it again after Megan has left for college (!) it might be something to consider.
I also haven't really made up my mind about the Fresh Air Fund this year. I had spoken to some people about possibly being a volunteer, but then I dropped the ball on calling them and they never got back to me, and things got busy. I don't know if they filled the slot with someone else, or if they're all just waiting for some more time to pass before turning their attention back to this year. But mainly I don't know what we should do. Last year's experience certainly could have been better, but C was a fundamentally good kid. So we have the choice to take him again, to take someone else, or not to do it. This year we are planning a vacation, perhaps to Europe, for Megan's 16th birthday. Brian will be getting ready to start high school, and I'm hoping Megan will find some sort of paying job. She'll probably get certified as a lifeguard in the spring. She doesn't want to work at a beach, but there are plenty of pool jobs around. So I don't know how much time there is for other things. But we'll see. They haven't sent out their information with dates yet.
Sad news from New York, where a 10 year old girl has died, presumably of the flu. The more I read coverage of the flu in our area, particularly New Jersey, the more certain I am that this was the Great Sick. The doctors on the news all day that symptom severity varies, and we certainly had all the symptoms they list. We didn't really have the sudden onset, but we did all end up with fevers and chills. And Brian, of course, seemed to develop that secondary infection. The main discomfort I remember, aside from the aching shoulders and legs, was the burning in the eyes, lips, and cheeks. I'll have to think a little harder about flu shots next year!
And in other news, the cleaning people are coming tomorrow, and not a moment too soon. Of course, I wish I had realized this when I made an 8:30 dental appointment, my thinking was just to get it over with, but now Kevin is staying home to work, and it will be difficult to get all of the rest of us out of the house by 8. And then when I'm done, I will want to come home, but they will be here and I will be underfoot. High school report cards didn't come yesterday, so I expect them in the mail today. That will be interesting. I am hoping for no surprises. Not much else of note is going on. Kevin and Brian are going to take some sort of boating safety course on Monday night, that is required by the state for anyone of any age who wants to get a boat operator's license. I guess that's what they're planning on doing.
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