Thursday, September 29, 2011

facing the future

So now that I have had three weeks to adapt my thoughts to the fact that I won't have this job that I have, shall we say, grown used to - I am trying to get a grip on what my next move should be. I think I have finally been given a date, which is the end of the month. But I am stuck in this freakish twilight zone where I am working harder than ever and knowing that this will be nothing to me in a few weeks. It's a very dichotomous life!

I finally did receive a response from one of my resumes, but it is a travel into the Big City, so I have to give it some thought. I'm going to go in for a meeting (it's only an agency so nothing concrete will come of this initial meeting, and they also have an NJ office so that's good) on Wednesday. The agency places a lot of temps, which I learned are now called "contracted positions," which was my reason for responding to this ad in the first place: I thought, if I'm not sure if I'm ready for city travel yet, what better way to find out than through a "contracted position?"

The problems, of course, with that would be B and the pets. As long as B is still home, he can solve the latter issue. Once he leaves, presumably, for college, I guess we'd have to get a dog walker to come in. But this year is the immediate quandary: I won't be able to drive him anywhere during the week, which means no swim team through school. He can ride his bike to the gym, and the school is full of activities that he can stay after school for. But in bad weather I have always driven him, and with a foot or two of snow on the ground, he will not be able to get to school. But this is all the cart before the horse for now. On the other hand, the pay is double. And the cost is $330 a month on the bus + travel time. Local jobs seem scarce. It is a quandary indeed.

As for M, we 'skyped' with her the other night and she was sick with a cold, and she had a cut on her shoulder from the bathing suit strap! (I would have rather not seen that).  I told her t take some medicine, which she did and said the next day she felt better. My little package of vitamins also arrived on that day; hope she is taking them.

Just today, she received the present I sent her, a small 7" TV so that she won't have to miss such historic events as The Office premiere ever again. Except that it's not just plug-n-play. She is going to have to figger out how to work it 'erself!! (Another reason to let your kids manage their own lives just a little before they leave your nest).

Well that is about all I can think of for now. Oh, yeah - in other news - I just found out that we have to go up to Boston on the 15th for a special sort of team parents weekend! I had had no idea. So I did get a hotel for just $125 a night. Kevin said he would try to find a freebie (I guess our impending poverty has him concerned, well I know it does, since his solution to the demise of our big TV was to plug in an old 13 inch on the family room rug!)

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