Saturday, August 14, 2010

marinated cat, anyone?

So, who read the news on the cats last week? Poor cat, ill-tempered, greedy, wasteful, and ungrateful, was marinated and packed into the trunk of the car. Of course this story is not funny, but the thing is that the cat looked just like Rusty! I can't seem to resist the urge to suggest to Rusty that perhaps he would get me some salad oil and some crushed red pepper. To which he usually responds with a murr and jumps up onto the bathroom sink just as I am about to take out my contacts, demanding that the water be turned on for him.

I'm also tempted to leave my vacuum cleaner plugged in, just to see if he can turn it on and if any neighbors will call 911!

Anyway, on to the more mundane. We bought a car today! Kevin has been obsessed with VW Jettas for years now, and they have the cutest little miniwagon which suits all of our needs and guess what? It was being offered at 0% financing!! So we haggled a little, always a horrible experience, and we were ready to walk out when, lo and behold, they came back with an offer we couldn't refuse (so we were probably robbed in the end, but left feeling as if we were the robbers).

We have only driven it on one adventure, and we were almost killed when a fool turned right into the lane we were in, I guess she didn't see us down so low, from where she sat up in her SUV. But it handles so well that we were able to survive the misguided driving. Now all that's left to do is to return the Honda. What a pain. I hate leasing cars.

Tomorrow begins M's big week away at camp in Colorado. She has an early morning flight and won't be back till late Saturday afternoon. Thankfully, the cough has gone on its own and she is ready for the challenge. And she just lined up her third college 'official visit,' so that's about all I think that we can fit in. These visits are going to eat up entire fall weekends, Fridays included, and although they're an important part of this process, they also take away from her study time.

And in other news, B enjoyed another week of tennis camp, and I took Friday off from work, which was much enjoyed. My boss is away and things were very slow. Of course I don't get paid when I don't work, but the thought of sitting there for five hours just trying to stay busy seemed incredibly unappealing after two days of cleaning up loose ends. I was just done with it all, and I needed a brief respite! So I hung with my friends, Molly and Pompom, and M and B were both home as well.

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