Friday, August 27, 2010

beep-beep-mm-beep-beep yeah!

Yikes! So $10 for the license and the orange stickers later, plus $900 a year more in insurance, guess what we have? A new driver! Yikes. So it begins. They picked M up at 6:30 for a refresher course and then had her in line early at the DMV. In fact she texted me the telltale: WOO before her appointment time had even arrived!

So that was a bit of a relief as we were worried about what would happen if she did not pass. I was worried about her coming home alone and moping all day, and then being afraid to face the world. I also worried about how we would ever schedule her next appointment, as she is having to miss school for these college visits already in the first month or two of school. And also because she had to go back to pick her sticker up, so she can park in the lot.

We received a letter that said she had to come in to pick up the sticker, and gave her a two day window, yesterday and the day before. I called and said she had to work, and anyway wouldn't have her license till today. The assistant principal assured me that this was the only time she could come, and also that she should just bring her permit (which was what the letter said) to get the sticker. I was minorly annoyed that they wouldn't accommodate our work schedule, but I wasn't going to rock the boat so we both told our jobs we'd be late and we set out early to wait on line.

Power freaks that they are, the secretaries made everyone wait out in the hall until at least 8, although they weren't doing anything but puttering around and talking on the phone. I went outside when I noticed I was the only parent there (most of the kids could already drive). Ten minutes later, M came out without the sticker! She was told that they didn't know where she got that information, but it was wrong. I was so incensed that, as soon as she got the license and subsequent sticker, I wrote a letter to that guy and told him what had happened. Whether or not this was what they intended, once they had it written in the letter it should have been honored. And this particular secretary is just a nasty one. We've dealt with her for years, beginning at our old school. She wields an awful lot of power for a secretary, if you ask me. And I finally just had had enough. In this case, they were wrong.

So see if it did me any good. He'll probably ignore my mail and M will not be welcome in the guidance office again :/

But one good thing came of that visit. She got her schedule, and on it her new guidance counselor was listed, and it's her school swim coach. So that was nice to see. Her old counselor had to go back to teaching after the budget cuts and she had always wished she could switch the coach but never had a good reason. So now she doesn't have to.

She does have a problem with her schedule though. She is in an AP History class that she put down as a second choice to Economics and she doesn't want to take it. So she has to try to change that, but they don't want them changing anything until the first day of school. I am really, really hoping B can last the whole four years at his school. I don't want to have to go through any more time in this district's public schools than I have to!

Anyway, in other news, one more week left of summer. I left work both yesterday and today around 1:30 and took B to the beach club. It was beautiful today, but there was a lot of garbage in the water, which is terrible. You see a lot less of that on the beach down where M is working. This weekend will probably be beautiful too, although they say it will be hot on Sunday. I have been loving this cool air! Windows open!!

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