Seriously, every Monday morning I find myself humming, "and the silicon chip inside her head gets switched to overload..." because all I can think is "I don't like Mondays." But here it is, Monday again, and at least it isn't raining. Well, unless you count Wall Street/banking failures and falling stock prices, then it's raining. This morning I had to work a half day, and Kevin was home until 9 because he was flying to Ohio. So I guess it wasn't terribly manic after all, but just by being a Monday, it always really does feel like it anyway.
This week also begins the more hectic phase of swim team, when they add the twice-a-week spin classes. Occasionally, when we go to a meet and a certain team has most of the strongest swimmers, I will look up their practice schedules to see what might be making all the difference. Many of these teams have double practices, but the one thing I do notice is that many of them have more convenient practice times, which allow the kids to come home from school and do some work and have dinner, then practice and still be home at a reasonable hour for bed. Tonight Megan won't be home till close to 10:30; and on Tuesdays and Thursdays she is gone from 3 until 7:30 or later. It is brutal.
Megan also just joined the Friendship Club, where students go and sit with special ed students, and they just talk and 'be friends'. It's a nice club, and one which she chose to join out of interest and not requirement. I will hate it if the Thursday spin classes interfere with this club; in fact, I plan to make sure they don't (Megan occasionally reads this blog too, by the way).
Oh, and work. My assignment today marked the end of the string I had been given by the old sub caller. I have received only one call from the new caller, and that was a 6am call, made because I had been requested. I have been told by a couple of subs that they call in and request days. I would do this, but I am not exactly sure which number to call! I guess I can try the old one, I probably should do that. If I ever want to work again. Having nothing on the horizon is not encouraging, especially after some recent spending sprees.
After seven years, I have felt pretty acclimated and accepted, and now I walk through the halls and see all sorts of unfamiliar faces taking over classes I used to sub in almost exclusively. It's weird. One of the paras jokingly (I hope!) refuses to speak to me because of a few of the subs that have come into the class with her lately. I keep trying to explain, I have nothing to do with it! (I don't think it helped that I had a good laugh over one of the subs last week!! Haha)
And tomorrow we can thank the Jewish populus for a free day off from school. I made appointments for Megan and Brian at the dentist, and I assume E will make some plans with friends, apparently some were discussed in school, but nothing had been finalized. I usually like to take these isolated days off to have them catch up on schoolwork and homework without the pressure of dinner and bedtime and swimming, rather than try to plan some exhausting activity that makes it hard to catch back up once the next day rolls around.
In other news, Molly's foot seems to be doing better on her new antibiotic. She hasn't been chewing it and the cyst seems to be deflating. I hope that it stays that way, because the last time she finished her antibiotic, it filled back up again. Brian is also still swimming, and he seems to be enjoying it. He is split between the group that's his age and the younger group, because he has a hard time keeping up with the kids his age. He loves the easier practices, and we can see improvement, but he misses seeing the older kids then. It's unfortunate that he can't hang in there better in that group, but we'll see if that improves as he gets stronger. I'm glad we had the MRI done, now that it's over. The other day he made himself a cup of coffee and began to shake like a dancing flower. A little food and water brought the shaking under control, and I made sure he knows to steer clear of the coffee from now on, but at least I know it isn't caused by any change in his condition!
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