Well, I never heard from the doctor, although it occurred to me that I don't even know if he was in the office this week. He should have been, he said he was going away at the end of August, but one never knows. Anyway, I thought of calling but talked myself out of it. I thought, if he has something to say that I don't want to hear, I prefer that it not ruin my weekend! Of course, it would be nice to have my mind put to ease, but I decided to put it OUT of my mind for the weekend instead.
So, we made it through another week of school. E missed a day and a couple of classes, and I worked a day and a half, but otherwise it was relatively calm. Brian skipped swimming last night, he has had a cold plus it was back to school night and he had a lot of homework and a baseball practice, one that took me 20 minutes of driving around to find. I am so through with this team. At the moment they are losing pitifully to some team, there was probably only one more inning to go (the fourth inning) but God only knows how long that was going to take.
Megan is at practice, and E is at the school football game. I am home alone! E and I went out for dinner, which took longer than I had hoped, partly because she got a late call from her mom and then I got on the phone with her. There were a couple of issues I wanted to discuss with her, mainly the things that go on that shouldn't, and how she would handle them if E were living with them. Just the usualy high school issues, but I didn't feel comfortable letting her do some things, such as riding in cars with kids who are not supposed to drive more than one or two others, or being at parties where there will be alcohol and maybe even drugs. So I feel a little better, but it is still a big responsibility, and a sad testament to the state of our high schools in the US!
Anyway, the main thing that she had wanted to see was the Halftime Show, and we almost missed it! As we pulled in, the cheerleaders were all piled up on each other. Apparently they were anxious about this show, it wasn't quite as perfected as they would have liked!
And in other news, the pool is now officially closed. The plants are withering and getting ready to winter themselves, and the leaves are beginning to change color and fall off the tree. I feel a pressure to "holiday" this year more than usual, to give E the proper American experience. I only hope I can remember how to do it!!!
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