Last night was Back to School Night at the high school. Of course, Kevin was out of town. I had said to him, if you only come to one BTS night, please let it be South's. I thought we should have some representation for E in her classes; but I can't miss Megan's during a critical year when she's overloaded with extra math and honors chemistry. So I went alone, in the rain, and went to all her classes except gym. She and E also have the same chemistry teacher, so I met two of E's teachers. (well actually three, but I didn't hear the English teacher speak, see below)
A funny thing happened. English and History are taught in pairs, and they always present together at BTS night. The rooms are usually adjoining, with a wall that can be opened or closed between them. They open the wall and present together, which gives them more than twice the time, because they use the travel time as well. Megan's two were first, and the teachers were pretty good. They're both older and I felt like they really knew what they were doing. They were going on and on about how great the group was, how they were the best group they have ever seen, they almost dared to say, and how they just sit and wait to be spoken to. We were all so proud!
On to E's History class. I missed the English portion of it, but when I got there I saw that she has a young handsome teacher. He was speaking about the class and how they would be doing this and that, and all of a sudden, he told the parents that they have the most impressive group of kids he has ever seen!!! I thought, "what!? Is this some sort of scam?" He thanked the parents for placing this emphasis on achievement and they all beamed with pride and self-satisfaction. I thought, "what?! Is this some sort of scam?"
Anyway, wait till next year. Then he'll see.
And so I am happy with the news from the MRI. Stable we will take, although I would really like to see improvement instead. But as long as we can have stability, Brian will be OK. Now onto February with that one. I'm sure I will have enough with E to keep my mind off of this for that long.
We have no major plans for this weekend, just swimming and maybe some hanging out here and there. Kevin is in South Carolina and somehow expects to be home this afternoon. I don't know with this storm how that will work out, but hopefully it will. There is supposed to be a Y parents meeting tonight and God only knows what social plans E will concoct at the last possible second!
But in other news, Molly's paw still has a cyst on it. I have a new antibiotic for her, as I am trying to avoid surgery. I think that it is shrinking a bit, I have also been using a steroid/antibiotic topical cream on it once a day. But last night I came home and found her working on it. And now, it is after 9, and she hasn't come down from her dog bed yet! I guess I should go up and check that she is still among the living.
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