Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Someone Left the Cats Out in the Rain

Well, it happens.
They busted out and I thought, fine! Begone with you both! The litter box is getting stinky anyway. So I let them out and they ran off. It wasn't until much later, after I had watched the thunderstorm from the living room window, and after Rusty had curled up on my lap and purred himself to sleep, that I suddenly realized that his warm bliss wasn't the way of the household today!! I ran to the slider and pretty much discovered the above. Now, which cat looks to be smarter and more street-wise? Hint: one came in soaking wet, the other, only a little wet from waiting to be let in.
In other news, the guidance counselor continues to earn my disrespect. When I checked Brian's folder after he came home from school, I saw the handout from the science teacher. It does not call for, as Sir Guidance reported, a TWO inch binder dedicated solely to science, but instead, a ONE inch binder to be SHARED with social studies. This is to prevent the students from confusing themselves and bringing the wrong binder, as they have social studies and science on alternatibg days. However, Brian will always have the binder with the science notes in it, because the way I have it set up, this binder is being shared with math, which is an every day class. And I haven't received a call back from Sir Guidance one way or the other, which is really fine. I'm not listening to him anymore anyway. If I need to go back in there, I'll just bring counsel with me. Otherwise I'm dealing directly with the teachers.

1 comment:

Suzi Voss said...

I just have to tell you, the looks on their faces are priceless.