After our walk, we stopped at the dog park. Isn't it funny how dogs gravitate towards others of their own breed? How do they even know what they look like? Anyway, here are some pictures of Molly and her new friends, and the tall goofy one is, of course, Max, our walking buddy. He is a ::cough cough:: labradoodle. Hehe.

Otherwise, I continue to be unemployed. I must not really mind so much because I forgot to call personnel for the phone number of the sub caller until after 4, when it was too late. I don't really want to work tomorrow anyway, I have the cleaning lady coming (I hope!) and I have plans to meet a friend for lunch. I'll make sure I remember to call them tomorrow, and maybe get a job for Friday. Hah.
In other news, Kevin has been there and back to Ohio, and is finally in New York today, although it won't be long before he heads off to Finland. E continues to settle in and all seems to be going well; school offers its occasional challenge, she has had to adjust to changing classes and all of the different teachers assigning so much work (again, who says American schools are so lax?) but she has the ability to handle it all, once it all clicks in she should do fine. Megan is off from swimming today, so they're downstairs playing pool. I am about to go back to the Y to watch Brian swim a little, and to order their team apparel amidst great chaos (the reason I came home during practice today, as a matter of fact ... also because I left my AMEX in my pants pocket last week, so Kevin cancelled it, and the new one just arrived, but was at home, so I had to come and get it so I can pay for said clothes.
1 comment:
Molly, you forgot me :( Teddy Bear
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