Wednesday, February 22, 2012

frazzled february!

Oh boy. As if the whole job thing isn't enough to keep my head spinning, now I have the foster kitties, and I am having a hard time taking them back. Yesterday, I tried.  I gave them wet food around 5pm (they usually get it only in the morning) and easily trapped the little scared one in the dog crate with the bowls. But the other, my friend, my favorite, sensed something was up and she bolted! She hid under couches, I flipped them over, she hid under beds, I lured her out. Finally, I had her in my sights and tossed a towel over her and gathered up, trying to protect my already scraped and bloodied arms from further assault. She absolutely panicked, her heart was racing, she was meowing like a beast, and when she cleared the area, I saw she had wet herself as well! So I had to call off the operation, exactly at the moment that the little one escaped from the carrier anyway. So I have loosely promised myself to try again this morning but actually, I have other priorities today so time will tell.

B is sick. Sick as a dog. Sunday he treated himself for low fever (100) and a headache. Monday he woke up with a rip-roaring raging 103+ fever. Advil and tylenol barely brought it down to 101 before it spiked back up again.  We've been fighting this pattern for two days now. He has a headache and his nose grows increasingly more congested. I'm going to call the doctor back today because I'm concerned that he didn't take enough antibiotic for the sinus infection that he had 2-3 weeks ago. He only took a ten day course and was still sniffling a little at the end.  But she thought it was a virus and he'd have to ride it out. But I don't like this fever, not one bit.

So - the job. I have an offer. But I have to go to the doctor for clearance, and I couldn't get there until  Monday. Meanwhile, I've had a couple of calls so I am going to meet with one company this afternoon. I had a sub job for yesterday and today but they ended up sending me home at noon and canceling tomorrow. They had also offered me Thursday and Friday - good thing I didn't take them because they would have canceled those too. That's a terrible way to treat people and no way to earn an income if you are reliant on it in any way. Thankfully, that will probably be my last day ever working in that capacity.  It was a pleasant day surrounded by good kids and nice people. But that Principal should really have some refreshers in how to treat people, not as if they are disposable. Although I suppose, to her, the substitutes really are disposable.

And in other news, M's big meet starts tomorrow! Kevin will be going down tonight, but I have to see what is to come of the B issue, and also the cats.  My concern is the litterboxes. The kitties do fit in with the rest of the menagerie and as far as expenses go - what's two more, right?  But since we were reduced from four cats to three when Buddy died, the litterbox has been so much more manageable.  Now, with five, it's worse than ever and someone apparently agrees, because they have been using inappropriate bathroom selections - and I don't think it's one of the fosters. Otherwise, my concern is B because of the sickness and the fact that I was worried about pulling him out of school for Thursday and Friday, but now he's done gone and missed Tuesday and Wednesday too! But I don't even know if he will be well enough to go in tomorrow anyway, and at that point, might as well just write off the whole week and bring him and his arsenal of fever-reducing meds down with us!

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