It's rainy and cold! The other night as I was drifting off to sleep, Brian came in and sprung a request that he be allowed to take a train to Point Pleasant to go to a teen night club. In my subconscious mind, I remembered E was going to go there too, which I found amusing should they both happen to be at the same place. I reluctantly agreed to consider it, but then with the laundromat debacle (more later on that) I was somewhat backed into a corner and had to let him go despite misgivings.
What he ended up doing was taking a train with a bunch of kids, walking about 3/4 of a mile to the boardwalk, where the club is located, going in a funhouse, then going into the club around 9, when it opens for the evening. I had told him I'd pick him up at 10:45, and while I was sitting outside, I could have sworn I saw E walk out with two boys and a girl. I ducked down because I was pretty much parked under a streetlight, didn't think she would be coming out, and by the time I looked back up, she had vanished. Then I had to drive two boys home, and I didn't get home till nearly midnight. And at 4:50, the alarm went off! I can't do this all summer! That dog better learn how to sleep in. (not that it was his fault today, but as soon as he hears someone stir, he starts to cry, and when he goes out, he really does go).
So I had all my laundry packed up and finally got it all out to the car and off to the laundromat. I ended up using one 80 lb washer, three 60 pound washers, and one 40 pounder. Does that mean I had 300 pounds of laundry? I would not be surprised. There was a LOT. It was horrible. At one point I thought I had it down to a manageable amount of folding and then I remembered the jumbo dryer, the one that held about a third of all my clothes! So I didn't end up being done for over three hours in that place. And the washer takes 29 minutes, and the dryer about 40. But it's all done and hopefully will tide us all through the next two weeks. I didn't take any for E, though. I did offer, but she declined so I don't know if she has a plan, but I doubt it. Her room looks like a tornado just went through it, I don't think she realizes that she will not be living here after Friday.
So speaking of E, I haven't seen her since yesterday morning (well, aside from the illicit sneak peek at the night club) and have had just one text, which was in response to a text from me. I guess she figures why ruin her last couple of nights by having to check in, right? What will really grate on my nerves, though, is when she acts like this and then will call and expect a ride home from the taxi service, back to the B&B. I know she thinks she is just being a typical teen; but I still find it rude.
Megan has that ridiculously early swim practice but I see she has just been dropped off. I took her and her friend to Perkins after practice, and the friend's father brought them home. Now she can sleep the rest of the day if she would like, she has to go to the pool club meet, the one she is volunteering to help coach. Then she wanted to get together with some friends. However, she has two laundry baskets (not that again) and a pop-up hamper FULL of clean clothes that need attention.
In other news, the pompom and I start puppy school tonight! Kevin is in Kansas still, and Megan will be at that meet, as long as it isn't rained out. So I may bring Brian with me. The class is 7:45-8:45. I am excited. I think he'll like having a 'job.' Although I'm a little nervous, too. He's so small that I never know how to handle him. I have to put drops in his ears and they're so small that I'm never sure if I even got them in. Today would be our regular lawn mowing day, so we'll see if they got the message and don't show up. I sort of hope that doesn't happen because the grass in the back is taller than the puppy and he's always all wet now. I read somewhere that pomeranians don't like to get their feet wet, but fortunately, he didn't read that. Also since we have had him it has rained practically every day, so he doesn't know much about anything else. I wonder what will happen when it snows! It would be horrible to have this little dog in the winter untrained!
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