So we have been using the same landscaper for the past three years, on the recommendation of a friend. The guy has not sent us a contract or a bill in two years, and is already into his third season of mowing. I regularly "tour" my yard and admire all the shrubs and their progress, in case nobody noticed based on the photo documentation that I send around every spring! Today, I noticed a large round patch of dirt in between the holly and the andromeda bush. What? What was there? Surely not one of my pink azaleas! But yes! That is exactly what it was! Horror!
So I finally got hold of Kevin to get the phone number of the lawn guy. I called and left a message to the effect that my shrub is now missing, and I am sure it was here yesterday, and they were here today and perhaps he could ask them what they know about my missing shrub, and then he can let me know. I took a bunch of pictures of the hole.
Now, I am well aware that thieves may sneak up in the night and pillage gardens. But why would these villains take the time to carefully fill the hole and then tamp down the dirt? That makes no sense at all. More likely, the lawn guys either whacked it so badly with the weedwhacker that they decided I'd be less likely to notice if they just removed the entire bush, or, as E said, they were actually planning blackmail, as in, "give me my money and I'll give you your azalea."
Which leads me to the next part of the story. After going through this on the phone with Kevin, I came inside and noticed someone had brought in the mail. In the mail was a bill from the landscaper. A bill for $4000! A small amount for the first year and more for the second, still more for this year, which hasn't even started. I didn't review the bills closely, because I was too dumbfounded. They stole our azalea, removed it without a trace, and now they're billing us for $4000? I looked up the statute of limitations and it's six years.
We obviously will have to pay it, but certainly we can't be expected to pay it all at once. And since everything was so vague, we have no proof of any contact being attempted. We only had a cell number for the guy, his mailbox was usually full, and he wouldn't usually return the calls when it wasn't. Also, I want credit for my missing shrub and clarification on the amounts being billed. I think he pulls them out of thin air. I can't even remember the last time I actually saw HIM around the house, just his guys.
So that is the big debacle. The washing machine has also gone back on the fritz. irreversibly this time, it seems, so I called in service using my fancy new warranty. They're coming Monday. Meanwhile, Brian broke a wire on his brace (again) and asked to be taken in to have it fixed. I got an appointment for 1pm tomorrow. So what happens? Seems my year of subbing had a little more left to it. I got a call asking me to work tomorrow and Friday 10-1:30 (can't do tomorrow, she never called me back when I asked if she wanted me to take just Friday) and Monday morning (have to wait for the washer guy; could reschedule but it takes forever to get them on the phone at Sears). So it looks like my subbing year is, in fact, over, as I had originally thought. So those two crises cost me $85.
In other news, the new puppy (oh yeah! forgot to mention him) is settling in pretty well, although he just learned a hard lesson at the hand (er, paw) of Buddy. He was bouncing around and chasing and bowing, and the next thing I knew he was yelping and running to me. Now he is back in his puppy bed, and Buddy is watching him. Actually, they're both sound asleep now. He hasn't had any accidents in the house, unless I count today when I came home and let him out, and he leaked on the floor when I leaned over to talk to him. But I don't count that. He's been going outside a lot, but we watch him very closely inside, so I don't know if he'd go as freely in here if given the opportunity.
And I am also trying to get him used to riding in the car; today he just drooled a lot. I had him at the vet and other than ear mites, he was looking pretty good. Hopefully by the time Kevin returns from Denmark on Friday, he will be a well trained dog. Oh, and last news: finals starting tomorrow!
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