and never a dull moment. It started out with the dog, of course, arising at 5 with whimpers. I got up and cared for him, and the cats, then took a quick shower in case there wouldn't be time later. Good thing. The cleaning people showed up and I had to wake Megan and E and take them out for their breakfast together. Then we picked up a new suitcase for E and came home to find the cleaning people gone. Brian had wisely slept in the basement so he would be able to sleep in.
E had mentioned that she wanted to stop by school, turn in a book, and say goodbye to the guidance counselor. She also decided at around noon that she did, after all, have to do a load of laundry. I set off for the laundromat because we were unable to get hold of the Doll. But we stopped at the school first, and the fun began.
Apparently, they announce several times that all lockers must be emptied. They even have a locker cleanout time during school where they call each grade out of class to clean out their lockers. I guess E was busy getting her yearbook signed during all of these times, because that is precisely what she had left in her locker, along with various papers and other items. So we go up to her locker, and I still have no idea of any of this, I don't even know what we're there for. She opens up the locker, and of course, it's empty.
She starts to freak out, we go to the office, she is crying, some don't care and others want to help, and finally a janitor shows up with the yearbook in his hand. The thing was though, she had bought some additional pages for friends and teachers to sign, and these had been clipped in, and they were gone. We went through the bin, but it was all clothing. The papers are gone forever. She was devastated; I never made it to take her to the laundromat so I got her to the Doll's and left here there with her laundry. Oh, and I forgot to add, the vet called, and the puppy has giardia, so I had to go and pick up two different medications for him in the midst of all of this.
Anyway, I woke up with a headache yesterday morning and obviously through all of this it was not going to go away. I tried to lie down for a little while, which had the overwhelming effect of messing up my hair on an already-bad hair day. And I was dreading the discomfort of the bleachers at the arena where the graduation was to be held. Amazingly, somehow, though, the headache did subside. But the bleachers were still brutal.
Towards the end of the ceremony, the Doll asked about the bathrooms. She got up and went, it was quite a steep step up. She nearly lost her balance, but she went about her business. It was a long, long walk back to the car and she did her usual shuffle and drag the whole way. I don't know what we will do without E because she walked with her the whole way while we tried to walk at a slow pace and still beat them to the car by five minutes. But anyway - we went to Bahrs and had a nice dinner. Until it was time to leave. All of a sudden, the Doll can no longer walk. Something has happened to her foot.
The usual flurry of attention occurs, she begins to feel faint and nauseous, we put her in a chair, and then the manager shows up with a wheeled office chair and puts her in it, and wheels her out to the car. Now, Brian is supposed to go to a party (with Kevin and me), Megan was asking to go to the beach, and E is having friends over to help pack. Instead, the Doll takes over the show as usual. So what happened? Well. Read on.
Kevin took her back to her place, where she collapsed onto the bed in the small bedroom right by the front door. Baxter hopped up to check her out. She managed a shuffle into the living room, but about an hour later decided she needed to be taken to the hospital. So off they went to Riverview, which I have found lately to provide the worst ER care I have ever experienced. I don't think last night was any exception. She was xrayed about an hour and a half after arriving (so around 11:30 or 12) and finally, at 3:30, was admitted with no known diagnosis, mainly because she is so immobile. Kevin got in at 4:00 this morning.
But in other news, I have no more time to recount the tales of yesterday, although there are more. I must go and fetch Megan from the pool, where she had to be at 5:45 this morning. I am wondering when I will again get sleep. Brian slept at the boy's house who had the pool party last night, so I need to get him, too. And the little dog has just climbed into my lap, all dismayed at something he sees through the living room window. He can't see out of it unless he is sitting on the couch. Oh, and I also have to go and get the Doll's dog. He obviously can't be left alone. I guess today we'll find out if she broke her foot, or what. Apparently when she got up from that seat, and went up the big step, sh twisted it. Stay tuned. (