I forgot to say, I went to the pet store last week to buy a new bag of cat food only to find that my brand had been recalled by Nutro for a mistake in the formulation process. The food either had too much zinc or not enough potassium. The instructions were to return the bag to the place of purchase for an alternative food. I had already bought alernative food since there were no bags of the one I liked, but I didn't find out about the recall until my cats had reluctantly eaten the entire bag. It lasted way longer than any other food ever did, so I thought they were just tired of it. A couple of weeks ago, there was a lot of cat puke around, too. I also keep another brand that I feed them at night, out of old habit when somebody was a new cat. So they at least were eating that and some morning wet food when I felt like giving it to them.
Also, I misinterpreted Brian's summer assignment. After he reads up on the life and times of the patron saint, he must write a similar life story on his OWN life, including three key instances that have shaped him up till now, what he expects out of high school, and where he sees himself afterwards, and why. Uh oh. He'll have to get deep and philosophical now.
Anyway, in other news, I am off to the beach with Megan for her morning run and my walk. It looks like we'll have some good weather this weekend. Brian the procrastinator has to build a 'stage' for his language arts class, and Megan has a party to attend tonight. E, I don't know what she has planned, because she ended up coming straight home from the prom last night, alone. So maybe we'll hear more on that today. My day will probably consist of attacking the mountain of laundry, changing the litterboxes, and supervising Brian's stage building. Tomorrow I have to take Brian to a baseball game in Belle Mead(e?), whereever that may be. At 9am. (Disclaimer: post not proofread!)
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